"Failed to get system egl display" for some Flatpak applications.
Some Flatpak applications seem to crumble when attempting to achieve GPU acceleration of some kind, such as KopiaUI and Blender.
For example, when launching KopiaUI, the application seems to respond under the hood, but the UI fails to load alongside this error
I have the appropriate Nvidia runtime flatpaks installed, I'm running under Wayland (I vaguely remember this working under X11). Additionally, I had a seemingly similar issue with Anki that was resolved by disabling "Wayland windowing system", "Fallback to X11 windowing system" and enabling "D-Bus session bus", but this solution doesn't seem to work for both Blender and KopiaUI.
4 Replies
Probably skew with Nvidia 560
Should be cleaned up soon
has anyone found a workaround for this?
hopefully should be sorted by the morning but this issue is tracking it https://github.com/flathub/org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.nvidia/issues/288
Unable to see Nvidia GPU in the lastest update · Issue #288 · flath...
Using the latest update commit: 36de41e8ca7bfa79c42aaafb6e71fb276ca6a6d069c869a05b705a124b39b303 the Nvidia GPU doesn't show up. Downgrading to b98fdca0728be9b1aa986b1569d4e15e79e26622fd3440e48...
seperateish issue, and there's been a recent built that hopefully magically fixes it but it's not published yet
Should be good now after updating flatpak