13 Replies
Erm what is he doing
Like why
grabbing his hair
because he wants to tie it up
Ooh is he doing it in the bath or wat
Why no shirt
that was literally what I wanted to do before but then halfway through I gave up bc I was too sick of working on it so I just bullshitted it and this is it
uh sure
I'm learning to do anatomy
thank you, I really didn't have a plan on where he was going
I was just choosing him cuz he's a character I main and I wanted to do an anatomy study somewhat (gave up partially through 😋 )
who knows. maybe they just washed their hair
me asf
True, true
I just wanted to make shiny hair 😔
looks pretty shiny to me alr. but with the flash light facing him you wouldnt see much glare from the pov right?
idk man I got sick of the drawing by the time I finished doing the hair
so I just quickly packed it up and just bullshitted