cant open valorant
i get this error

12 Replies
i cant help w/that. tech support isn't my area. you'd have to contact player support
<:util_Warning_Box:1264311684793630753> This server's staff members are not Riot employees or developers and are unable to assist you with in-game issues.
You can create a ticket with Riot support here.
You can get support from fellow server members by making a post in <#1027165825846739095>.
If you are receiving an error code, you can find out steps to resolve it here.
thanks bro i will
i did no response in 3 days
i kinda need some help too
found a fix bro just delete riot and valorant then install again
not that same issue

thats whats giving me a hard time
i was playing earlier tho
i had that issue with google chrome side by side configuration i just deleted and ownloaded chrome again too
my fren got it and all he had to do was uninstall valo and reinstall it
yea i did that rn
Just reinstall riot client.