www.*.com not working, but *.com is

Hi, I have my CNAME DNS entries set up like this: CNAME mywebsite.com mywebsite-com.pages.dev Proxied Auto CNAME www mywebsite-com.pages.dev Proxied Auto When I type mywebsite.com in the address bar, it works but if I type www.mywebsite.com in the address bar, I get a 522 error. I updated the DNS entires 8+ hours ago. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Thank you!
4 Replies
Hard@Work7mo ago
Are both mywebsite.com and www.mywebsite.com present in the Custom Domain section of the Pages Project Dashboard?
ikarisOP7mo ago
ohhhh no they're not!
Hard@Work7mo ago
Yeah, every (sub)domain that you CNAME at Pages must be present in the Custom Domain panel. As an alternative, you can have www.mywebsite.com redirect to mywebsite.com(or the other way around). This doesn't require the addition of both
ikarisOP7mo ago
OK thank you!

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