I got hacked mid game.
I was just playing a comp match with my friend and suddenly I got an VAN error, I thought it was just a normal glitch so I tried re opening valorant. When I tried it, it opened in riot and my account was signed out. So I tried logging back in to my account but it said "Wrong password". My friend also told me I was playing the game and I was confused since I wasnt. Please let me have my valorant account back.
6 Replies
:valQuestion: If you have forgotten your login credentials or your account has been compromised, you can try to recover your account by heading to the link below. Permanently banned or deleted accounts cannot be retrieved.
Account Recovery: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046229573-Recover-Your-Account
awhh iiyak na yan
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.