how to load in games faster
I use an average swift 3 laptop and valorant loads slow any tips or how to increase the loading speed?
83 Replies
plenty of stuff you can do all available online
it runs well in my laptop
but the screen gets freezed somehow
in matches tho
a guy is already trying to "help" you but he made a brilliant statement that isnt true
your laptop is enough there is issue elsewhere
idk its either the internet or idk
packetloss would likely make you teleport and not full game freeze as you have described
how do i fix that rhen
plenty of stuff you can try
such as?
not a mod sry
i know just dont care enough simply said
@KT 887 would look at disc using apps/cpu heavy apps in bg first before going further
ok ty
i wrote you stuff on your post

do you have a hard disk or an ssd
how slow does it load
ru late to games?
Show ss
Usually 2-3 matches late

This currently with valorant on
And u r sure ur game is on the C drive?
No it's on the d drive
jidat what does that change i gen dont get it
Cuz their C drive is their ssd?
And the other partitions are hdd?
Are u slow?
when i asked support
Their both ssd
they told me to put my game in windows partition
i ahve one disk only
Yea no
D:E is hdd
It says HDD in the big ass letters there
Yea its usually better to have the game in the same partition as the windows
This is an issue with files loading off of your disk. You might have a HDD. If you do, you should defragment it or get an SSD and place Valorant on it.
windows key + r
than type "dfrgui" to check what type of drive you have.
Learn how to defragment:
Solid State Drives (SSD) and Hard Disk Drives (HDD) are data storage devices. SSDs are usually much smaller, thinner, and offer more storage volume, speed, and efficiency compared to HDDs.
Move the riot games folder to ur C drive
And u should be good
jidat needs to be nicer 😔
Don't think I can the storage required is too much
How much free space u got on C?
thats a horrible advice
unless it causes issues with the anticheat the person has no experience in computers
It actually does exactly that
Causes issues with vanguard sometimes
good point then
Can u help me I have a hard disk and I load late into games
39.5 gb
That's why I could tf it
Still I can't seem to find how to load faster in games
I use and ryzen but I don't think there's an issue with it
All u can do is make some space on ur ssd
And move the game there
If run it as administration does it affect it or
Makes it worse in some cases
Is the only thing I can do is defragment the HDD and run 1-2 dm games?
Or is there other ways
Not that i am aware of
u got it fixed?
Not yet
Gonna test it later
For now I just deleted the temp files and optimize the drivers
Gonna try 1-2 dm games
Then go into unrated
play on low settings
I did
Still loads long in dm
As well in games
Not as long i used too
I get in by the first or second match but still a bit long
What does defragmentijg hdd do
aarranges ur data long story short
On old mechanical disks, reading data from random places is slow. Defragmenting rearranges the actual data behind files so that it's physical close on the disk's surface.
This only helps on old mechanical disk drives. It doesn't help on SSDs, and can actually reduce an SSD's life.
yea i did it didnt help
i did it on my hdd and it didnt help
It's not going to make your load times rival an SSD. It'll just help you reach the max read speed for that type of drive. It's nowhere near the max speed for a good SSD tho.
so is there any way to fix it without getting an ssd?
also when i get into agent selection my frames drop so much that shouldnt be because of the hdd do you know what that could be from
Correct. There's just a max speed for an HDD, and Riot isn't really balancing load times for one.
If you're frames are dropping in agent select, it's beyond just the HDD tho. You may need to upgrade a bunch of stuff, or...maybe Valorant isn't for you.
yea but when im in game theres no frame drops, im getting like 200+ fps
my pc parts are fine
1060, i5-8400
16 gb of ram
the parts arent the issue
when i played a year ago, there were no issues at all
Definitely talk to Riot about it:
bro i have, its been on for 3 pages they dont know
ive done everything theyve said
they said they escalated the issue to a higher up and its been like a week since ive heard back from them
May be worth checking if you're thermal throttling or something.
what is that
i bought this am azon. com/gp/product/B09HK6M8CC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 from amazon its an ssd imma plug it in my pc and then download valorant to there
i put spaces in the link
but i just plug it in
Your computer has features that will prevent it from overheating. This could be kicking in sometimes. It's unlikely during agent select (frames are limited) but it's worth checking ur system sensors when you're getting werid frame drops
i dont want it to overheat tho
well actually i guess its fine
ill see how to turn it off
could u check if thats a good ssd tho
Your SSD won't overheat. The thermal throttling is more of a CPU/GPU feature. It's hard to get those to overheat. They'll reduce their clock rate if they exceed a certain temperature. If yo umonitor the sensors, you can prove this is happening. But again, this may not be it, if it's during agent select only.
or am i a dumbass for thinking a little usb stick is gonna even download a full game ontoit
ok ill try it
Just check the reviews. Any SSD will be faster than a patter drive.
its not a ssd u put in the pc tho
i just stick it in
its a usb stick
i got some guy saying he'll put an ssd into my pc for like $180
not worth it at all
Um. You'll want an SSD that you put into your computer.
are u sure
it says ssd tho
Unless you have a good reason, you'll want to install games to a drive you can't accidentally remove. Also, USB will add some overhead.
good luck tho
i mean ill try it
The frame drops in agent select are cuz of their hdd
No other parts involved most probably
The game might not even launch on a usb
Val doesn't like external storage devices
i bought it for nothing 😭
this is what chat gpt said:
Yes, you can install and run Valorant from an external SSD. The game should launch and run just like it would from an internal drive, as long as the external drive is connected and recognized by your system.
However, there are a few things to keep in mind:
Drive Performance: The performance of the external SSD (especially one with a USB 3.0 or higher connection) should be sufficient for running Valorant, but it might still be slightly slower than an internal SSD due to the nature of external connections.
Drive Letter Consistency: If you frequently disconnect and reconnect the external SSD, make sure that the drive letter doesn’t change, as Valorant might have trouble finding the game files if the drive letter changes.
Anti-Cheat System: Valorant's anti-cheat system, Vanguard, is quite strict. Running the game from an external drive should generally be fine, but ensure that Vanguard doesn't flag anything unusual.
As long as the external SSD is reliable and has a fast connection, you should be able to play Valorant without any significant issues.
i lowkey think it might work 🙏 😭
it getting me geeked up 😭
Did u order a usb or an external ssd?
wat ur problem in val
I put the link here it’s just broken up a little bit
It says external ssd
Whenever I launch the Val it takes like 5 mins to get in when I go into agent selection I get a lot of frame drops and when everyone picks my game freezes and I load in 1-2 rounds late
It’s coming today so I’ll let you all know how it goes
u use ssd or hhd
repair ur game files
and windows files
ive deleted and redownlaoded teh game
ive defragmented the hdd