To embed or to not embed?

My site has a very small amount of JavaScript. This snippet infact is the entirety of my JavaScript:
(document.getElementById("theme-button").onclick = () => {
const theme = localStorage.getItem("theme") === "light"
? "dark" : "light";
localStorage.setItem("theme", theme);
.setAttribute("data-theme", theme);
(document.getElementById("theme-button").onclick = () => {
const theme = localStorage.getItem("theme") === "light"
? "dark" : "light";
localStorage.setItem("theme", theme);
.setAttribute("data-theme", theme);
Now as a non-webdev, does it make sense performance-wise to embed this in a <script> tag in my HTML? Or can I put this in an external script file that I load in via <script src=…>? I would hope that with browser caching the latter would have zero performance impact after the initial load, but I am not really sure.
31 Replies
ἔρως6mo ago
depends in it's current form, it won't work
Mango Man
Mango ManOP6mo ago
Why is that?
ἔρως6mo ago
you need to wrap it in a listener for either load or DOMContentLoaded
Mango Man
Mango ManOP6mo ago
Can I not just put it after the HTML
ἔρως6mo ago
basically, just this:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
[code comes here]
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
[code comes here]
not outside the html, no it will work, by accident, but that's invalid html
Mango Man
Mango ManOP6mo ago
Is it an accident if the HTML spec is explicit about how to handle misformed input? /s
ἔρως6mo ago
what people also do is to put it at the end of the body
Mango Man
Mango ManOP6mo ago
Yeah I suppose I can move it there
ἔρως6mo ago
lets just say that people wrote some trully horrible things, and html5 had to "support" it to prevent breaking stuff even further no, put it in the head
Mango Man
Mango ManOP6mo ago
But this is not really answering my initial question
ἔρως6mo ago
it is in it's current form, you can put it in the html, at the end of the body but it is not the "right way"
Mango Man
Mango ManOP6mo ago
My question was about using a script tag with JS in my HTML vs using a script tag with src referencing an external file
ἔρως6mo ago
you're focusing on one aspect, im seeing the entire question and in it's current form, there's no answer
Mango Man
Mango ManOP6mo ago
I don’t really care if it’s the ‘right way’ so long as it works TBH I am just curious about the caching thing
ἔρως6mo ago
if you want an error prone way, just put it at the bottom of the body
Mango Man
Mango ManOP6mo ago
What’s error prone about putting it at the end of the body?
ἔρως6mo ago
well, you're very few modifications away from breaking the script
Mango Man
Mango ManOP6mo ago
There will be no modifications, that is the final javascript It’s a fully static site with a theme toggle
ἔρως6mo ago
the html can break it too
Mango Man
Mango ManOP6mo ago
ἔρως6mo ago
a wrote <a will be enough or you forget a <textarea> there's more, but im playing overwatch and cant think of other examples
Mango Man
Mango ManOP6mo ago
I mean that is all already being checked for, so I don’t think that’s an issue I need to worry about I have scripts to make sure I don’t forget tags lul Unless I misunderstand you But anyways, I am really curious about the initial question I posed
ἔρως6mo ago
with the code you have?
Mango Man
Mango ManOP6mo ago
ἔρως6mo ago
you can either put it at the end of the body, or keep it as a script you save 1 network request, so
Mango Man
Mango ManOP6mo ago
I would hope that with browser caching there won’t be that extra request Or is that a really bad hope?
ἔρως6mo ago
in terms of caching, html usually isn't cached, and js files may be cached up to 1 month
Mango Man
Mango ManOP6mo ago
I’ve come to find that most things webdev are poorly designed or straight up broken
ἔρως6mo ago
depends on the cache, the request for the js file may be supressed and depends on the html
Mango Man
Mango ManOP6mo ago
I suppose I’ll just embed it then
ἔρως6mo ago
it's the most/least efficient, depending on configurations

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