VALORANT is so bad when it comes to HDD gaming. Any tips on how to improve loading time on HDD? I should be receiving my external drive in a week or two so until then how do I actually join the match before it ends lol.
23 Replies
This is an issue with files loading off of your disk. You might have a HDD. If you do, you should defragment it or get an SSD and place Valorant on it.
windows key + r
than type "dfrgui" to check what type of drive you have.
Learn how to defragment:
Solid State Drives (SSD) and Hard Disk Drives (HDD) are data storage devices. SSDs are usually much smaller, thinner, and offer more storage volume, speed, and efficiency compared to HDDs.
Will the wipe all my data
Like as in remove my files
"SSDs offer more storage volume" 💀 not in my case i have 7gb left in my SSD drive
it was originally 100gb or something

Is it also normal for a "gaming" laptop to have C: ssd and D: hdd
My D: is like 1tb
I have no clue about these stuff bro sorry
🤷♂️ idk
Thanks youre so cool
valorant installed on an ssd will most likely fix your problem (long loadingscreens -> afk bans?)
so my game takes 8 minutes and 30 something seconds just to load in
from play button on launcher to main menu
and when i join a game
i join 2nd or 3rd round
yup, then an ssd is your solution :2_peepoSalute:
external drive should be fine?
afaik as long if its an ssd yes
cool 😈 thanks youre a real one
i ordered one but i cant wait until it arrives so im looking for ways to cope 💀
but again
if you keep queuing on hdd your bans will just increase per time banned sadly
yeah i had to open like 5 accounts
3 of them got 168 hours ban
when people dodge bro 😔
game freezes so i dodge as well
imagine its a cycle
somebody dodges so i freeze and dodge because of hdd
and when i dodge somebody with hdd freezes and dodges and so on
ik, it sucks
theres nothing you can do about it except stop queuing until the new storage arrives
but like it progressively gets better as i queue lol
after 4 or 5 MATCHES it finally loads in 30 something seconds into the 1st round
instead of the usual 2nd or 3rd match stufd
Literally me
Also playing val off an external drive can cause other issues
like what may i ask