voice chat not working in egypt
look riot i need serious help wiht my mic my voice chat is never working and i need it fixed i tried vpns as well but all that did was make my ping high so any suggestions please let me know:Agent_Omen:

123 Replies
Can you hear yourself in the loop back test?
wait oh yes i do
does anyone here live in egypt
There shouldn't be an issue with voice chat anywhere right now
because i encounterd other people with the same problem in egypt
How long have you had this problem?
ever since i started playing like 2023
1 year now
Isn't voice chat not working in egypt intentional?
It has always been there
i dont know but i need riot to help me
thats the thing
Please disable your firewall
my older brother has no problem with voice chat and he lives in egypt
Then restart your pc and launch Valorant. Remember that party chat does not work if you are not inside of a party
u think i did not do that
i watched every youtube tutorial to be found
So your firewall is disabled right now?
I can't read your mind I don't know what you have done to try and fix this
how to i enable the firewall
Search for
Then on the left side press this

there are 2
Yes disable both
ok its off
thank u so much
so wait what is disabling the firewall gonna do?
Make sure that your firewall is not blocking the request to the server that runs voice chat for all players
Do you hear other players?
i mean its ok if i cant talk but if i cant hear other people i cant comm by just the text i get lazy
is it suppossed to be like this

It looks like it's still not going through
But you should still try in game
@BigChungus DM me
If you have something please say it here
I'm not talking to u lil bro
you play in frankfurt right?
i play in dubai and frankfurt
it depends on my ping
u seem like u have a lot of knollege on valorant
i have 1 more problem
Please send whatever they dm you here
wait did you solve it already?
my comp is band for 18 hours
but i was afk because in egypt they cut the power for 3 hours to save more electricity for tourists
Sadly afk penalties are not appealable
and i want to tell riot about this
how do i email riot?
Lemme solve the vc problem first
yes you can
I have friends in egypt
No you can't
u dont live in egypt tho
do u?
thats personal information
oh then thats amazing
what should i do
The region has nothing to do with how penalties are administered
download the link In DM
then i'll give you IP to put in the settings
im not to sure about this
Please send me the photo of the dm to you
ig keep doing what I was doing
oh you community player support I didn't notice
well the solution is simple
you download the link I sent in DM
yep its downloading
i think this is a scam
then if you put this in the settings
bruh thats how I solved it
I have vc banned too
jeez man
if you don't believe me I can send the original yt tutorial
thats how every player in egypt solves the vc channel thing
if its scam duh I'll get banned, but I've been here for a while
I just want an apology after it works cuz y'all talking to me as if i'm scamming or smth
when I'm clearly helping you
ibelieve u bro
did u download it?
It'll look like this

do not activate it yet
go settings then preferences

You could have just told me it's warp

it says nothing man i pressed finish it did nothing
launch the program bro
it should be here

you click on it and get a little tab bottom-right
remember to go to settings activate windows
imma buy one soon
after I upgrade the cpu
it say connected
no bro disconnect
we're not done yet
ohhh ok
ok i did it


your ping will be the same when you go into the game
after you do this, simply restart your PC
then activate WARP
your ping will be 160+ in Dubai unless you add an IP (I don't have it btw)
but your frankfurt will be the same
ok but i dont want internet
i want my vc
it fixes the vc issue
i have ethernet
i have lan tho
did you do this step
it says connected internet not private then everything had connection problems
give it a sec
i didnt improve my net man
I'm not improving your internet
I'm fixing the vc channels for you in valorant and other games that have vc banned
"you have to turn on WARP whenever you want to play valorant so you don't have vc issues"
thank u
so wait but when i connect it my dc disconnects
its so dumb that vc don't work in egypt
like why it don't work, terrorists are inside valorant?
even in pubg steam bro it don't work in egypt
i think it has to do wit the servers
No bro so many games have vc banned in egypt
thank u guys for helping but it doesnt work
It does work, did u get into valorant?
no wait let me try
imma send you the original tutorial
and just follow it perfectly
thats HOW my vc works in valorant
when the flick thingy turns orange it says disconnected
bro we wasted 170 messeges on nothing
it works bro I think you just messed up
as I said I have my vc banned too
and warp fixes it for me
and I play on frankfurt just like you
good news
i used another vpn and it worked but when i talk the mic does not move but finally i can hear people do u guys have any more suggestions top fix this problem

yo @cpp enthusiast | #1 sen lover
help my boy with his sht he cant hear or comm hes a t2 pro
hes on vacation rn in egypt but hes planning on living there but his comms r banned
I already provided the solution