28 Replies
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The heck is that mobo
Is that a prebuilt pc?
i didnt replace mobo
just ram, gpu and cpu
How old is the motherboard?
Also what mobo is it?
ive had it for like 3 years, but idk when it was released
It might break ur system evrytime
That model just looks sus
ye last time i just had to reinstall windows from a usb
but it took olike 4 diff usbs for no reason
I would say have a usb with windows rdy if u wanna try it
TB250-BTC+ Biostar Motherboard LGA 1151 ATX DDR4 SATA3 USB 2.0 USB 3.0
Cuz i personally won't take chances with a motherboard like that
yeah im prob just gonna get a new one
Have u tried updating the bios?
How long ago was that?
about a month ago
when i last tried to play
And was the bios update successful?
I would keep a usb rdy
Before i do anything
im thinking i should just get a new one, my friend has a biostar motherboard and his layout looks completly different from mine
and its always given me troubles
Its prob rly rly old
Or it wouldn't show up like that
Do u have a usb with nothing on it?
i have a usb w windows install ready
Well get into the bios then
Use ur phone to chat here
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