Can't Play Valorant
I updated my drivers this morning and I when I open Valorant, it opens fine but when I click the game in order to focus on Fullscreen it freezes the screen and I can still hear the audio. It didn't happen yesterday and I tried to reset my drivers back but it didn't work (I don't know if I did it properly). I am using true stretched by deactivating my monitor. I tried to reactivate it but it doesn't fix it.
5 Replies
Use windowed mode to open the game
Then make it windowed fullscreen from the settings
I can't even access the game. The game opens on the menu, but when I click into it I can't change anything because it automatically freezes. I would have to do that from outside the game, but I don't know if it's possible
Press F11
As soon as the game opens
Thanks. But do you know why this happens?
Not rly