can someone help me activate secure boot
ik how to activate it but idk it wont activate
44 Replies
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss
alright restarting rq
just watch a youtube video?
dont u think that is the first thing i did but first of all they all dont got the bios i have secound thing is after i enabled it the option to enable secure boot isnt showing up
what bios u got
idk tbh even how i see it or do u mean like what windows i got
no ding dong
when you load up bios what is the logo

Thats not what i asked for

Ok good
but the other one asked for it and idk about the logos
Get into the bios
Use ur phone to chat here
k going in bios
Once in bios go to advanced mode
Then boot
Show photo

lmao what is republic of gamers
How To Enable fTPM & Secure Boot - ASUS UEFI BIOS
on youtube
its that easy
i searched "how to activate secure boot republic of gamers"
all you needed to do
my problem is the most videos got things i dont have
like csm i dont find that
but maybe wait maybe i got it

it is enabled but grey but i think it should work
ASUS iirc
Key management
Also is ur CSM disabled?
idk didnt saw my csm yet or i didnt found it
Probably asus laptop I think
i updated all factory keys and allat and than it enabled
CSM was disabled then ig
Is it working now?
dont know i will check now after i updated valorant then i will see if i get kicked out or not
i tell if it worked or not
U can just see from msinfo32
If its enabled or not

safe boot ?
or smth
or what
Yea its a language thing
It should say secure boot there
But its saying safe boot
Is it saying enabled for it?
ye it is sicherer startzustand means safe boot
and it is on
so yea
Yea u should be good then
yea it works
Solution:- enable secure boot from the bios
can u help me enable secure boot?
i enabled secure boot via my bios, but it says its off in msinfo32.
my bios says that i need to do a platform reset for it to enable
Reset the factory boot keys
Also make sure ur CSM is disabled
Also that ur bios mode is in UEFI
ye last time i did that, it messed up my computer
Make ur own post
but its in uefi and csm is disabled
I will help u