better_sqlite3.nodewas compiled against a different Node.js version
Hey, I'm going through a react udemy course by Maximilian Schwarzmüller. In NextJs section, he is using Better-Sqlite3 to make a database for a project. I tried copying what he showed as it is but i'm getting an error and their support is non-existent on udemy and discord, can you help with it
He wrote a initdb.js file to make that database intialize, but when i use
node initdb.js
to run it, i get an error
I reinstalled node_module after deleting, reinstalled better-sqlite3 package, reinstalled node from node website, still error is same.
when i run nvm current
or node -v
it returns v22.6.0
I uninstalled previous Node installs before installing, there's a only one node installed on my pc.0 Replies