Hi, I'm very new to technical side of WordPress website. Right now, i am trying to connect my website to google search consol. and having issues in it. I know my DNS is in CF but don't know the account that it is in. Rn the help we need is, how can we fetch my domain to right CF account (I rented domain from some other website) and have access to google search consol. let me know if anyone can help. my DNS is at CF but for some reason it says its not. weird
4 Replies
Chaika7mo ago
These links may help, but they only work when logged out  If you know the email: https://dash.cloudflare.com/forgot-password If you know the email and have 2FA issues: https://dash.cloudflare.com/login-help If you don’t know the email: https://dash.cloudflare.com/forgot-email
the if you don't know email one will email your account email for the domain
hi @Chaika , thanks for reply but i dont use CF domain. i rented it from Bigrock. My DNS is in CF that i wanna get access to.
Chaika7mo ago
it's the same steps, input the domain you have using cf dns into forgot-email and you can have it email the acct owner
Sorry I still didn't get the answer. could you help in a vc? I'd really appreciate it. let me know the time , I'll be ther

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