Helping me pick my main role

im an ascendant player, I always pick duelist and most of the time i feel like I can’t always do my job right (sometimes my teammates don’t trade me but im not Blaming teammates right now) im Looking for a role/agent that I can use to carry my team with util usage, helping them in site and even being aggressive at times, if anyone can help me with an agent like that it’ll help a lot! Thanks
19 Replies
asa7mo ago
I'm only bronze 3 so i can't really help, but if you feel comfortable with duelist, then you should be picking it, this is what I learnt when playing omen, it's fun to play, you can always try different types of agents, like controller and sentinel
Kihpla7mo ago
You might want to consider playing an Initiator or a Controller. They provide a balance between utility support and aggressive play, allowing you to impact the game significantly. Omen/Breach/KAY/O. They offer a combination of utility that can support your team and allow you to make aggressive plays.
𝖣𝗈𝗑OP7mo ago
Thank you, im trying omen for a few days in unrated to get used to him then I’ll keep you updated :) I tried sova for a while and I like him a lot im just not sure if he’s the pick for me tho Thank you, I won’t be playing duelist, I don’t feel like I can provide the entry they need and Im more of a passive player who likes to get aggressive only sometimes
asa7mo ago
Then Omen is a great pick! Omen has aggressive and passive playstyles, it is really all in one, it is great to try, i've been playing Omen for a while since it feels like a big role that I am doing
𝖣𝗈𝗑OP7mo ago
I did carry on Reyna for a week but I got bored of her, I prefer out playing my enemy and Reyna can’t do that. And when my aim isn’t the best then i just end up giving no impact
Kihpla7mo ago
Yeah feel free to keep me updated. I don't play the game often but have been playing since launch and know how to play all agents with any problem. I'll be happy to help!
𝖣𝗈𝗑OP7mo ago
I hope so, I don’t play him a lot so it’ll be my first real experience
Kihpla7mo ago
This is more related to #coaching-requests and not #community-help by the way. 😅 Keep it in mind.
since you are already an ascendant it will be difficult to pin point an agent which can "carry" your teammates because realistically you can't do that in the higher ranks.. if you want to stick to duelist, best agent to solo entry site will for the most part remain jett. If you are open to other roles, I would suggest clove and omen after her.. clove especially is great since you are coming from a duelist, and clove thrives with aggressive play, you will get to trade you duelists and control the site rather than being the first one to enter
𝖣𝗈𝗑OP7mo ago
I didn’t think it was coaching request since I didn’t want a coach and it was just a question but good to know
asa7mo ago
I recommend you try playing Omen next time you get haven
Kihpla7mo ago
Yes, I agree. Your perspective on the challenges of carrying in higher ranks like Ascendant is quite valid. At this level, teamwork and coordination become increasingly important, and relying solely on individual performance can be challenging.
𝖣𝗈𝗑OP7mo ago
Like I said with duelist if your aim isn’t great then you become useless, I always want to provide a usage for my team, and I don’t mean carry as in get all the kills I mean being able to clutch when needed
Kihpla7mo ago
However, choosing agents that align with your playstyle and allow you to make impactful plays can still make a difference.
𝖣𝗈𝗑OP7mo ago
I know you can on paper clutch on any agent but like I said I want an agent I can out play enemies with
asa7mo ago
This is why I don't like duelist, Reyna relies completely on kills and doesn't give a massive impact for assists or entrying a site, this is just my opinion obviously, you are ascendant i am bronze, I am not the greatest with tips and tricks
clove and omen are perfect for that, both get the most chances to clutch in mid round, and having the ability to smoke gives you infinite creativity
𝖣𝗈𝗑OP7mo ago
Don’t discourage yourself, you may be bronze but that doesn’t mean you don’t know what works for you and what doesn’t
asa7mo ago
I've only recently figured out Omen is my main agent, I tried sova and breach but it seems to me I can't make alot of t hings work

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