9 Replies
hello i am bulid something in electron and i serch every where but there is not any way to make to exe
it say in website npm install --save-dev @electron-forge/cli
but nothing gonna happen
anyone know how fix it
This is not a frontend question, but a #os-and-tools one. Build instructions are available in the Electron documentation though: https://www.electronjs.org/docs/latest/tutorial/application-distribution
Application Packaging | Electron
To distribute your app with Electron, you need to package and rebrand it. To do this, you can either use specialized tooling or manual approaches.
alternatively, if you're using electron-forge, https://www.electronforge.io/#building-distributables
Getting Started | Electron Forge
Quickly scaffold an Electron project with a full build pipeline
but you'll have to follow the instructions for whatever tooling you're deciding to use carefully. There's going to be multiple steps for any build process
ops sorry for wrong topic
is thath normal it take so long ? https://s8.uupload.ir/files/long_fst1.png
building can be slow, yeah
it's something you only need to do when you release your application to the public though, you can just use the dev mode to develop things (I assume, I've never used electron, just tauri)
after 2 hours i finily make it and its now exe