Timeout on Non-proxied DNS

Hello. I have an A record managed via Cloudflare, that I have set to Non-proxied, and pointing towards an external VPS that I wish to have serve http/s traffic, as well as be accessed via ssh nslookup shows the correct ip address, and I am able to use the subdomain set in the A record to ssh into the server. However, http/s traffic is timing out when trying to reach the server, which is preventing me from successfully getting my SSL certificates from acme If I set up Nginx to not require certificates, and ensure that port 80 is open, I still recieve a timeout when attempting to access the server via http Am I missing steps for managing simple DNS records with Cloudflare in an unproxied manner?
16 Replies
Idle7mo ago
are you sure that your VPS is accepting http/s traffic? especially since you have turned proxying off, the issue is very likely to lie with your VPS
thornAveryOP7mo ago
im testing that now, but its a nixos configuration that is currently working on a seperate vps that is using the vps provider for its dns
Idle7mo ago
if you only want to serve https traffic via cloudflare i would recommend grabbing a cloudflare origin certificate from the dashboard magic link, enabling proxying and have cloudflare handle the ssl certification presented to visitors
- SecToR
- SecToR7mo ago
I have same problem !!!!
Idle7mo ago
if the resolving address is in fact the address of your vps as you said, then i'm willing to say that the issue most definitely lies with your vps. perhaps reach out to your provider for any information on how to fix this?
- SecToR
- SecToR7mo ago
its about cloudflare side , i got this error from my 314 domains from this morning untile now
Idle7mo ago
i'm not quite sure i understand, are you saying you are receiving a 314 status code when trying to visit your site?
- SecToR
- SecToR7mo ago
no:/ , i have 314 domain in cloudflare , all of them god this error
- SecToR
- SecToR7mo ago
No description
- SecToR
- SecToR7mo ago
No description ago
DNS over Discord: A records
zirb.ir A @ +noall +answer A non-existent domain [3 - NXDomain] was requested and could not be found
diggy diggy hole
Idle7mo ago
- SecToR
- SecToR7mo ago
Idle7mo ago
i'd recommend you make your own post describing your issue if you haven't already or maybe open a ticket with cloudflare support
- SecToR
- SecToR7mo ago
i did but no one answered how

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