VALORANTβ€’7mo ago


Is Riot ever going to do anything about smurfs? I have seen one too many smurfs in my ranked games that are keeping me in Silver 2 and I am tired of it. I want riot to finally do something about this problem. I am tired of being stuck in Silver. I've even proved that I could be in a Gold lobby by doing 1v1s with my friends who are in gold. This is stupid, and I want to know if anything will ever be done about it.
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62 Replies
azan πŸͺ
azan πŸͺβ€’7mo ago
They can't stop smurfs
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
They could force you to have your phone number verified to play in comp. Then people can't make multiple accounts and play comp.
azan πŸͺ
azan πŸͺβ€’7mo ago
a lot of people have multiple phone numbers and burner numbers
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
To get multiple phone numbers, you have to pay for multiple phone lines which costs a lot of money πŸ’€
azan πŸͺ
azan πŸͺβ€’7mo ago
it will probably encourage a lot of people to spend money on smurf account Theres a lot of free services online
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
Make it against the terms of service to buy and sell accounts minecraft did it name one πŸ’€
azan πŸͺ
azan πŸͺβ€’7mo ago
all ready exists doesnt stop people
azan πŸͺ
azan πŸͺβ€’7mo ago
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JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
that means it can stop people, Riot just has to implement some sort of system to detectif multiple ips have logged in to the same account and implement a report option for it
azan πŸͺ
azan πŸͺβ€’7mo ago
riot already has a big issue with false banning
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
The top one literally says "7 day free trial" πŸ’€
azan πŸͺ
azan πŸͺβ€’7mo ago
exactly verify the account and cancel the trial
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
then the number will get terminated and it won't work anymore
azan πŸͺ
azan πŸͺβ€’7mo ago
still free options
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
Burner Numbers are temporary thing judging by what all the websites say, that means they won't exist forever and they can't be verified forever
azan πŸͺ
azan πŸͺβ€’7mo ago
doesn't stop people from buying accounts
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
I just listed a fix for that in this thread πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€
azan πŸͺ
azan πŸͺβ€’7mo ago
Look at community help search up "locked" there are so many people with locked accounts because valorant already has ip trackers that barley work all they want is money
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
Bro, if these buyers start failing more often thanks to some kind of anti smurf system, then people will start rioting against them people aren't THAT stupid πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ also refunds exist also if all they want is money, who cares? Money has nothing to do with the smurfing problem πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€
azan πŸͺ
azan πŸͺβ€’7mo ago
"At Riot Games, we understand the frustration that smurfing can cause within the Valorant community. It's a complex issue that we're actively addressing through a multi-faceted approach. "
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
Then why has the game been around for more than 5 years and it still exists πŸ’€ they just say that because they want players to stop talking about the problem
azan πŸͺ
azan πŸͺβ€’7mo ago
ACTUALLY it does? "We're committed to taking strong action against confirmed smurf accounts. This includes temporary suspensions, permanent bans, and other penalties to discourage this behavior." thats there solution
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
Then why are there still so many smurfs? their solution isn't doing shit
azan πŸͺ
azan πŸͺβ€’7mo ago
That could have been a cheater who knows
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
My entire team reported him and he didn't get detected or banned yet And that match was an hour ago
azan πŸͺ
azan πŸͺβ€’7mo ago
Cheating takes a while to get detected usually doesn't happen mid game
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
One time, I was playing comp with my friend and we reported a cheater who started using wall cheats mid game. We got the red screen mid game πŸ’€ And just to clarify, the anti cheater system is valorant works by activating vanguard to scan the game when a cheater is reported. If cheats aren’t detected, the game preformance is reviewed by a real person and then the player is either banned or not banned, depending on the view of the situation
azan πŸͺ
azan πŸͺβ€’7mo ago
Thats because the cheater was cheating for a while The multiple reports he recieved from other games made it more important for vanguard to dtc
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
My entire team reported reyna πŸ’€
azan πŸͺ
azan πŸͺβ€’7mo ago
mhm that depends on the cheat they're using could be using a vanguard bypass
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
And then it gets reviewed and they get banned if they were Are you a moron? πŸ’€ All I’m doing is repeating information I’ve already told you
stevenβ€’7mo ago
it is? But it will be verified already all games have em your just whining oop ur bronze that explains sm
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
It will become unverified if the number doesn’t exist anymore Also, I am stating a complaint. Azan came in here and started yapping without even answering my question. And now you are. I didn’t ask for a couple of β€œcomplainers”, I asked for an answer.
stevenβ€’7mo ago
false. your answer is get out of bronze
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
where's your proof
stevenβ€’7mo ago
ive done it myself?
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
that doesn't answer my question any real proof?
stevenβ€’7mo ago
get real proof it unverifies
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
I didn't find proof that the phone number becomes unverified actually, but I found that fake phone numbers don't work.
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stevenβ€’7mo ago
some not awl
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
mmm, and where's your proof?
stevenβ€’7mo ago
i did it myself?
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
physical proof? like screen shots?
stevenβ€’7mo ago
proof of what
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
of a deleted phone number that was used for verification I'm sure puting that in a official valorant server is fine especially since you admit to doing it
stevenβ€’7mo ago
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
exactly I still await a genuine answer
ν˜Έλ‚˜β€’7mo ago
well the reason there's so many smurfs is because smurfing is 100% allowed in Val, (unless you make a new account and purposefully throw that's another story) anyway so allowing people to make new accounts but detecting if they're playing bad on purpose doesn't sound that easy does it, the phone number thing only makes sense if they actually ban making more accounts / smurfing, smurfing in the sense of staying in a rank way below you on purpose is already bannable and people do get banned for it.
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
I understand what you are saying, but there are some things I am saying that I don't think you are understanding. I am more concerned about people boosting and selling smurf accounts to people. Normally, you wouldn't be able to make a new account, level it up, and then go into iron as a diamond player. But, there are people out there who are making these accounts to sell them for money. At this point, this has even become a job for some people, as I've seen these services advertised on youtube shorts and tik tok. You have made some solid points, and I did understand before that it is hard to detect these players. But in the end, Riot could just sue these people who are probably making more profit than riot is from their own game. Executing light consequences in the end is what has caused the Valorant community to grow up with smurfs and throwers. And I've seen the dev diaries about greater penalties for people who abuse text chat and voice chat, so I at least hope they can do the same for these people who are ruining the overall experience of the game for less experienced players like myself. To sum it up, I beleive justice hasn't been served yet.
ν˜Έλ‚˜β€’7mo ago
I know and that's very bannable but the thing is it's kinda really hard to detect that, sold accounts however do get banned my friend bought an account after a few weeks her account got banned, what you're saying is correct but the issue is it's just not as easy to detect/ not falsely ban someone.
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
1. I admitted that I agree that it is hard to ban and I understand that πŸ’€ 2. You have already mention the point that "Smurf accounts get banned", even though that doesn't stop the businesses that produce these accounts from producing them πŸ’€πŸ’€ 3. Yes, it is hard to ban people, you said that at the beginning, at the end, and yet I admitted it in the paragraph I just wrote πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ 4. I am going to end this argument with one statement You people have the shortest fucking attention spans ever. Now I understand why Riot added swiftplay πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€
ν˜Έλ‚˜β€’7mo ago
swift play is the best thing added ever swift play is the most beautiful game mode swift play is heaven swift play is bliss swift play is love swift play is life
cgnis7~β€’7mo ago
your just bad ngl
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
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Jidatβ€’7mo ago
They do lock alot of accounts like that
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
yeah i know that was proven to me a while ago
Jidatβ€’7mo ago
Flexing top fragging in a high bronze lobby is crazy
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
honestly im kind of tired of this arguement i might just delete the post
Jidatβ€’7mo ago
There is no real solution to smurfing tbh All they can do is make them gain rr fast and get them outta the low ranks Which they are alrdy doing
JGP5OPβ€’7mo ago
i understand that now

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