is the answer b c d?

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8 Replies
iTeachChem Helper
@Gyro Gearloose
iTeachChem Helper
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iTeachChem8mo ago
Did you figure this out?
Capacitor? My physics is not very "physics-ing" but Q/C=Bvl, so current is I=Bcal. Force on wire=ma=B²CaL so when charge balances pd (after a finite, ideally near zero time) Velocity is constant Baaki sabh mein resistor ke karan exponential function aayega Ismein a=0 because of our assumption ki charge is balanced by PD in wire. (Just a confirmation waise toh, warna logically bhi I=0 at that condition, so force on wire=0)
Gamertug8mo ago
whats that written at last can u epxlain where to put instruemnt and for what purpose?
Ig you have to put something so that Velocity becomes fixed after some time. You have to put it where the circle with the ? is there
iTeachChem7mo ago
Marking this as solved cos no activity from the poster for over a couple of weeks. Thanks for the effort gamer, lance +solved @SirLancelotDuLac @Gamertug
iTeachChem Helper
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