Hello everyone!
Hello everyone!
I am trying to find solution for possibility track User Info like demographics and age in GA4 via Zaraz. After switching to Zaraz User Info reports drop to 0. In Docs find that setting up Anonymize Originating IP Address which passes the aip parameter which can contain such data, but I don't fully understand how to set it up. Can someone tell me what steps I need to take. I don't understand what I need to add to the additional field to make it work
8 Replies
Unknown User•7mo ago
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Thanks for fast reply!
I found in the docs article about lost demographics data in GA4, where recommended to use Anonymize Originating IP Address, available in the Add field option, but there is no explanation of how and what exactly to add. Can you clarify what exactly meant in this article? I tried to create such via Add field option, but can not see Anonymize Originating IP Address https://developers.cloudflare.com/zaraz/faq/#after-moving-from-google-analytics-4-to-zaraz-i-can-no-longer-see-demographics-data.-why
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FAQ · Cloudflare Zaraz docs
Below you will find answers to our most commonly asked questions. If you cannot find the answer you are looking for, refer to the community page or …
Unknown User•7mo ago
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Demographic data comes from Google Signals:
for web users it largely requires the user to be signed into Google and to have opted in to ad personalisation on their account.
[GA4] Activate Google signals for Google Analytics 4 properties - A...
In this article: Data from users who have turned on Ads Personalization Data sharing with other Google p
I'm know it. Before switching to zaraz, we had demographic data in user info, after the transition everything fell to "0"
Unknown User•7mo ago
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It might be possible that Zaraz does at least partially support it already, its just not easy to work out how to send the information as it is required by Google.
Google supports sending hashed additional user provided data which is then used as part of "Enhanced Conversions" and "Google Signals" functionality.
I have been unable to find available documentation on the Analytics endpoint which Zaraz uses for its Analytics module.
However gtag.js can process this information if it is provided and I assume that Zaraz's implementation is a server side replication of the gtag functionality.
The fields gtag expects to be provided are listed here:
but they are not sent as part of an actual event, rather they are set via a call and its not obvious how/if it is possible to convert this data into data which can be sent as part of an event.
There's also information here as to how to send the same data via the Analytics Measurement Protocol as part of a conversion event:
I think this is new. I don't remember them sharing information before on how the data should be normalized.
Has someone tested it in the field? Has Google Ads accepted user-provided data for enhanced conversions?
Zaraz could add that to the GA4 Tool in the future. It's easier now. Before we would have had to apply for standard token access for Google Ads.
Google for Developers
Send user-provided data with User-ID using the Measurement Protocol...
Learn how to send user-provided data with User-ID using the Measurement Protocol.