InfOE2mo ago

Ozempic in the 27-30 BMI Zone? Safety?

Looking at Ozempic. If i have high blood pressure and/or cholestoral is that enough to get me covered? Not on any medications for these conditions so thats my concern. Besides that any good meta analysis or write ups on the current research on Ozempic/wegoovy safety?
17 Replies
genetic-orange2mo ago
It won't get you covered but definitely enough to get prescribed out of pocket As for research, I'll find some tonight I used ozempic Was 29.9 BMI I think. At 194 lbs 5'7" Went to sequence health got ozempic, paid full, and lost 40 lbs in 6-7ish months
Alternity2mo ago
dang nice, if i have to pay out of pocket seems like compounding is a bit cheaper?
genetic-orange2mo ago
It is cheaper yeah But for me, I have... Like 8 pens (I keep them for posterity) .. 8.8k to lose 40 lbs was definitely worth it for me at the time haha. With compound you can probably go like 70% cheaper Just gotta use the insulin needles on your own
Alternity2mo ago
cool. i have no issues with needles. we'll see what my primary says. thanks for the info. info online mostly seems to warn against the fact its not actually changing your eating habits which is fair enough. really just worried about messing up my actual body in an irreversable way
genetic-orange2mo ago
In my view, use it to learn how to fast Use a fasting app Make it a game how long you can consistently fast for and be comfortable with intermittent fasting while limiting oily food and carbs The longer you do this, your habits will undoubtedly change as you learn you can handle day to day while fasted I did this the majority of my time with ozempic and now I’m 5 weeks off of it and doing just as good
jobman2mo ago
I thought you needed to continue taking it or you gain the weight back?
wolfturn2mo ago
Can't gain the weight back if you don't eat more than you burn in calories.
jobman2mo ago
That's also true if you didn't take it in the first place though So presumably the medicine is doing something to allow you to have calories in < calories out that you weren't doing before
genetic-orange2mo ago
I did it solely for vanity reasons using an online medical doctor since I can afford it Those who are type 2 diabetic would need to take it forever But I mainly used it as a fasting crutch to accelerate a 40 pound weight loss in a short time
harsh-harlequin2mo ago
Yeah the people that don't lose don't exercise and use the shots to continue eating junk in smaller quantities. This is why glp-1 should never be free
genetic-orange2mo ago
Yes... Something related to how the liver responds to sugars in your body I noticed that first hand when I had my first 5 lb jump off of ozempic even though I ate the same as I've always been. Which I assume directly helps those with type 2 as well
Alternity2mo ago
hmm i need to review some of the literature more. a bit worried about longterm side effects we haven't seen manifest widely yet
genetic-orange2mo ago
You'll probably be on the sidelines for a while to see long term effects I got into it because a member here told me the long-term effects of obesity is worst than what we think ozempic would do And so far since taking it I sort of believe it. Though obviously open for debate cause I'm living the long-term of it
Alternity2mo ago
really no doubt of that, like everyone else i've told myself i'd lose those "couple extra pounds" for quite a few years now.... but I haven't and actions speak louder then words. correlation between bad health outcomes and being overweight are very clear
genetic-orange2mo ago
Yeah if you read through #💉|ozempic-mounjaro (a more private channel than here ), and some pins, we've had a few discussions about it too
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