Ping/FPS change on new account

I have recently created a new alt account and i have noticed that on this account my ping is at a very consistent 20 ping 100 fps. However while playing on my main account my ping although primarily sticks to 20 ping it often has mainy micro jitters jumping up to 100+ ping for a few seconds then back down every 10 or so seconds, the FPS fllows this as well dropping down to sub 20 FPS often on this account. I have checked and all of my settings are the same so i dont know how this issue could have started. Any solutions are welcome.
9 Replies
Davidā€¢7mo ago
Valorant setting on high or low ?
TimorBesteš“ƒ°OPā€¢7mo ago
Davidā€¢7mo ago
Restart your router, if you use WiFi to play donā€™t do it because itā€™s terrible.. try and use a brand new Ethernet cable connection and see if that help.. if not try and update all your windows settings and make sure your latest windows version is on.
TimorBesteš“ƒ°OPā€¢7mo ago
but why is the connection good on one account and not on the other?
Davidā€¢7mo ago
See if both account have all the settings the same.. try and think if you changed any major settings that you havenā€™t on your alt account.. thanks all I can think of.
TimorBesteš“ƒ°OPā€¢7mo ago
thanks for the attempt but all the settings are the exact same
Davidā€¢7mo ago
Iā€™m sorry I couldnā€™t be more of a helpā€¦ thatā€™s all I can think of šŸ‘
northā€¢7mo ago
maybe different regions?
TimorBesteš“ƒ°OPā€¢7mo ago
nope both are NA i have an eu acc and it actually does well having a consistent ping and a consistent FPS

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