I took a two-week long break from Valorant to make a daycare for my cousin.

I come back here to Valorant and all people do is talk about me sucking my mother because of my voice?
30 Replies
Wabbit•7mo ago
wtf is this post Bunch of bs
I wish that it was. But I need to learn how to deal with this bs. Either that or simply quit Valorant for real.
Wabbit•7mo ago
This is funny asf
I know it is, anything in Valorant is funny once it's horrible and occurs to me.
Wabbit•7mo ago
Maybe try therapy? Like this is a video game wtf do you expect
I expected it to work like every other game. Valorant is the only game that I have encountered with this behaviour.
Wabbit•7mo ago
You need a wake up call if you think anyone online is a decent human being Welcome to life kiddo
I don't see why it has to be indecent. It was quite polite on the London-server before my break as I mentioned. They usually had a reason to offend me and I could understand that... But what does my mother having had fun in bed with my brother have to do with my voice??? Decent or indecent human doesn't matter, still just expect anyone to be human enough to think before they speak. "Kiddo" as an example, neither do I have any idea of your age nor do you have any idea of mine. Sure has nothing to do with sucking mothers and is directed at me so as an insult it could work.
JSN•7mo ago
It has never not been this way I usually just mute if they don't stop when I ask them to
All they ever did to pick fights with me before was beg for skins as I didn't want to to give it to them, then I finally gave up and since then everything was nice in London. It was a break of two weeks and now everyone hates me, I have no idea of why.
Wabbit•7mo ago
Every single FPS game is like this. If you don’t like it go play Minecraft or something rated E10+ Otherwise turn your come off and play the game
For some reason I have 23 years old now and Valorant is the first game that has acted like this towardes me. Like I said, it was ok the first four years I played. Before then I just had fun comms in Fortnite. Counter Strike is too brown everywhere and Overwatch has a rat spinning who knows where. Any ideas on what other games are similar?
Wabbit•7mo ago
This is not worth my time. You’re whining over online strangers
Online strangers in Valorant... No other game has treated me like this. Of course it's not worth your time, anything that makes sense is far beyond this community.
Jidat•7mo ago
Tried muting ur team?
JSN•7mo ago
What are you suggesting someone do about it?
Use your brain? And yes I tried muting my team, then they stand afk.
Jidat•7mo ago
Well there rly isn't anything else u can do
JSN•7mo ago
This is the community help, what do you need help with?
Jidat•7mo ago
They prob just need moral support after being called a whatever they said Chill
JSN•7mo ago
Yeah it sucks that it happens, it happens to everyone though Best thing you can do is stop playing the game honestly
Jidat•7mo ago
True Just play a better game Val isn't worth it anyway
What game is worth it? Counter Strike is too colourless to tell the difference between enemies and team before I am already shot. Overwatch again is far too imbalanced their flying rats.
JSN•7mo ago
Spectre comes into closed beta in a couple weeks 😎 I played the stess test a few days ago and that game is gonna be really fun. Everyone in that discord is nice af.
Jidat•7mo ago
Uk there are games beside these sweaty shooters right?
JSN•7mo ago
All the sweaty shooters become what Val is tbh Like the other person said, minecraft is a good option if you don't wanna deal with the meanies
Yes I do know of that, I just like their concept is all. Again, had been playing AQW untill I was 12. If Minecraft had VC then I would be all for it.
JSN•7mo ago
Deep rock!!!!
JSN•7mo ago
Best community It has vc Super fun game

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