Low Fps on competitive mode specifically
I've been getting lower fps on comp mode by like - 100 or 150 fps, if i go on a map on custom I average 300+ fps but on comp i average 200 fps dropping down to 100. I've already done the following:
bcdedit nointegritycheck and one more command im forgetting
Fresh install of windows
change pcie slot
low graphics
g sync off
fullscreen on
raw input buffer on
updated windows and drivers
My PC specs are RTX 3060 TI GDDR6X , Ryzen 5 5600x, 32gb ram 3600mhz, x570 gaming f, 1440p
GPU usage is around 60% and CPU usage is around 70%
Temps dont go beyond 65 degrees celsius
I know 200 fps is already playable but the drops in frames are annoying and the pc specs should at least get 300+ consistent
Help would be appreciated
9 Replies
uh well, when you play alone in a custom or the range u always get higher fps I get like 200 fps when I'm alone in custom or in the range
but when I play actual games my fps is lower
it's because of everything that's happening and there is way more players
whatever your monitor refresh rate is limit the fps to it it should make the fps way more stable
my friend also told me to put it a tick higher or something I got 144hz and he told me to put it at like 165 and my fps was more stable after that, I believe I get around 170-180 fps in game now
so just limit ur fps in valorant see if that helps

yea it does help, but i feel like im getting held back somewhere
some setting is screwing up my fps
its just im supposed to have way more fps than im getting right now
Disable all services
im not gonna do all but ill just do the ones that are downloaded apps
Command r, msconfig, hide all microsoft services, disable all
I play on laptop and thats what helped me
well i cant test comp right now
ive been benchmarking
and fixing my oc

it might have worked
my score jumped
didnt work
same fps range
then i saw my friend with 600 + fps
with worse specs