Hello, I am wondering if all pods use AMD CPUs. I am on a 4 * A100-80G GPU instance in OR, and it uses AMD [EPYC 7763] CPU (it is extremely slow, 15 times slower than a normal intel Cascade lake CPU, I don't know if this is caused by container tech).
Are there VMs that use intel CPUs and possibly different types of intel CPUs (like different Xeon Platinum in Cascade Lake) And how can I see CPU info before spinning up a VM?
Thank you so much in advance!
6 Replies
Different machines use different CPUs, and unfortunately there is no filter for CPU type.
Do you know which region in US use intel CPUs?
Pretty impossible to say unfortunately
This is just community support, I suggest logging a ticket on the website to get official support from RunPod staff
you can check which cpu do you get too, by running some commands inside the pod cli
Thank you! I have to manually try each GPU out. H100 uses intel CPU....
The RunPod has many types of cpus, we are planning to add filters for cpu in future.🙏