Steam Client updates not applying correctly?

I keep getting a notifacation telling me to install steam Client update July 16th. I have gone through the process of "Applying" The update a solid 10 times at this point. The notif goes away for an hour or so and then comes back. Obv its not the end of the world, because I can still play and my Ally is functional and all but I would like to be getting updates for Game releases and new proton versions. Is there a fix for this if anyone has come across it?
3 Replies
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo7mo ago
run rpm-ostree uppdate on the desktop and make sure it finishes Getting the same update over and over can be normal, we cannot change the changelogs in steam so our updates will just appear as whatever the last valve update was
IridescenceOP7mo ago
Thanks mate I will give it a crack That seems to have done the job Thanks again man
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo7mo ago

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