Not loading in first round
why does my game run so smoothly but when its the start of a game it takes like 1 round to load then i get an afk penalty
12 Replies
it might be bcz val is on a HDD drive
mines on the D: drive
click Windows + R type 'dfrgui' n then screenshot n send it here

my val is on the d: drive
So the D: drive is an HDD one u should put val in the C: driive since its a SSD one then the game should load faster
should i optimise my c: drive first
tbh idk i never optimised my hard drive
but the thing is
my c: drive
doesnt have space
its mainly used
so i install games on my d: drive
well i think theres no other solution
ima jus
clear space
ok i jus cleared up 26 gb of space
26gb from my captures
i think it needs at least 50 gbs or more