All most all posts of users are 'hacked'

Riot please fix this issue since its been so much problems for many of us. So far the only solution for this issue is by; Changing the password quickly when you get the notification. Enabling 2FA. Changing the email when it was set (Can be a few minutes after its been set) Please fix this issue since most of the players are worried. @Modmail :icon_Main:
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7 Replies
saul goodman
saul goodmanβ€’8mo ago
a lot of these people are falling for scams. Riot can’t do non about that
Jacob πŸ˜πŸ”«
Jacob πŸ˜πŸ”«OPβ€’8mo ago
no like actually i didnt get scammed and i still proceeded to get hacked by 2 2 hackers
saul goodman
saul goodmanβ€’8mo ago
Was your Riot account email/password the same as other accs?
Jacob πŸ˜πŸ”«
Jacob πŸ˜πŸ”«OPβ€’8mo ago
nope i changed them both i have an alt but i use different emails
ricekristiesβ€’8mo ago
then how did they have access to to your acc they can’t hack your acc unless you either got scammed or smth else unless someone promised u free boost on ur acc and u fell for that πŸ˜‚
Jacob πŸ˜πŸ”«
Jacob πŸ˜πŸ”«OPβ€’7mo ago
Didnt get scammer or anything I was playing Bruh Anyways i dont want boosts
ricekristiesβ€’7mo ago
dude u can’t get hacked while playing something’s missing

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