JavaScript Array Manipulation: Issues with forEach

When i want to modify an array like below, it doesn't modify the original array. Why is that?
let gameBoard = Array(3)
.map(() => Array(3).fill("X")); //Create 2D Array

const resetGameBoard = () =>
gameBoard.forEach((arr, index) => {
console.log(arr === gameBoard[index]); // this shows they are the same object?

console.log( => item = ""));
arr = => item = "");

let gameBoard = Array(3)
.map(() => Array(3).fill("X")); //Create 2D Array

const resetGameBoard = () =>
gameBoard.forEach((arr, index) => {
console.log(arr === gameBoard[index]); // this shows they are the same object?

console.log( => item = ""));
arr = => item = "");

If i change the arr = => item = ""); to gameBoard[index] = => item = ""); it works as expected and modify the original array. What is the difference here?
130 Replies
13eck2mo ago creates and returns a new array, it does nothing to the original. Array.forEach(), on the other hand, doesn’t create a new array or return any value. Instead, it performs a function on each value inside the array. Also, the forEach() method takes a function that has the item and index, not the array and index
const resetGameBoard = () =>
gameBoard.forEach((item, index) => {
console.log(item === gameBoard[index]);
const resetGameBoard = () =>
gameBoard.forEach((item, index) => {
console.log(item === gameBoard[index]);
So of course the item will be the same as the gameBoard[index] :p
FF2mo ago
Yes, know that but, my logic is that arr is an object that has a reference to an array (depends on the index) inside the gameBoard so, i think i can change it but, this isn't the right logic it seems. I'm confused with arr here actually.
13eck2mo ago
What exactly are you trying to do? Your code is a bit confusing so I’m not sure what the current results are vs what want them to be Also, what does an item in your game board array look like?
FF2mo ago
I want to change the array. This array has three sub arrays and i want to access all of them and change their values to "". So, i thought if i forEach the gameBoard array; arr parameter gives me arrays inside gameboard Arrays and i can change this arrays. Sorry, if i misleading you to wrong direction and gameBoard array is 2D array. it has 3 arrays inside it and they have 3 empty strings I will change to my phone because i will go to my home but, i want to talk about it if you have time.
ἔρως2mo ago
is this for tictactoe?
FF2mo ago
ἔρως2mo ago
why dont you use a single flat array?
FF2mo ago
actually, i dont know. You are right about it 🙂 but, i want to know why this behaviour happens though
13eck2mo ago
If you’re resetting everything why do a recursive search? Why not just set the main game board to a new, empty/reset array?
ἔρως2mo ago
^ also, foreach doesnt update the array values
FF2mo ago
Yes guys, you are right about your implementations and mine is bad i know it. I just wonder why in this situation JS behaves like that
ἔρως2mo ago
you are updating a local variable inside a foreach and that's it the value will be lost it behaves like that because foreach is the wrong tool
FF2mo ago
But why gives true when i check the equality between them
ἔρως2mo ago
copy on write? i think v8 uses that
13eck2mo ago
Arrays are shallow copies, so you’re comparing, in essence, the exact same thing
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