i need help with a error
hey, i have one question, what can i do when comes a massage where stands theat i have the wrong version?

15 Replies
:valQuestion: In order to get Vanguard, VALORANT’s anti-cheat, to work on your computer you most enable secure boot and TPM 2.0. Here are some resources that will assist you in the process:
- VALORANT Support on Van 9001 & 9003: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/10088435639571-Troubleshooting-the-VAN9001-or-VAN-9003-Error-on-Windows-11-VALORANT
- Microsoft Support on Secure Boot: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-11-and-secure-boot-a8ff1202-c0d9-42f5-940f-843abef64fad
- Microsoft Support on TPM 2.0: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/enable-tpm-2-0-on-your-pc-1fd5a332-360d-4f46-a1e7-ae6b0c90645c
can you help me to turn the bot on?
win+r, msinfo32, send a photo
can you help me it says We couldn't find the required dependency. Please try again. Reset your computer or contact player support
win is not working in myy heybord
is deactivaded

One sec
Do you know how to enter your bios?
omg saucy
yo @Saucywan do you know why it says We couldn't find the required dependency. Please try again. Reset your computer or contact player support
in riot launcher
Make your own post please
nothing just... SAUCY!
theat´s my problem
Restart your computer and well your computer is booting up SPAM press the delete key
Eventually you will enter the bios
Once you're there you can stop pressing the key
To continue chatting have your phone with discord open
how does this guy instantly react with everything I do this is creepy