Val 9005 error code when trying to run Valorant
I need to have Virtualization enabled because that is required for me to work and do my thing, but I cannot properly play the game because of this error.
Has anyone experienced this before and how did you fix it?

47 Replies
:valQuestion: In order to get Vanguard, VALORANT’s anti-cheat, to work on your computer you most enable secure boot and TPM 2.0. Here are some resources that will assist you in the process:
- VALORANT Support on Van 9001 & 9003:
- Microsoft Support on Secure Boot:
- Microsoft Support on TPM 2.0:
So, secure boot is enabled, I only TPM 2.0 and I had even found it, but there is a warning that it might reset itself and I could loose data
wdym with this?
I had already closed it because I needed to restart and message here, but there actually is a Warning for changing it.
It was like this:
when does that message show
When I clicked on the option Intel Virtual Private Technology -> that was the description
this person has the same issue, but he is actually going for disabling Virtualization

@jidat do you know what issue I am talking about?
that does not look like it's from the tpm one
This is what I had asked ChatGpt

And if that is true and the AI is not making assumptions, this means I could loose some of these

No dude follow the Microsoft link
Enable TPM 2.0 on your PC - Microsoft Support
Learn how to check if your PC is capable of running TPM 2.0 or how to enable TPM 2.0 to upgrade to Windows 11.
Okay, I'll try it out
Yep, I had already gone through everything and was about to enable it, but I saw how it has a warning in its description
@lira :3 | #1 Alisha fan so you are eventually saying that it should not make me loose data?
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss
Ur pc doesn't support tpm 2.0
Disable vbs and u should be good.
To disable vbs
Open cmd as admin
Type this command
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
Then restart ur pc
Also if u can't disable vbs, then i am sry there is nothing that can be done
So, the story is quite long
I enabled Virtualization myself
Becasue I needed it for work
But at the same time I cannot play Valorant
Also ur secureboot is off.
The thing is that in the BIOS it is on
There is like an extra step u need to do to actually enable it
+ I actually saw the Intel Secure Virtual Technology option
What is that again?
That is basically TPM, but with a different name in BIOS
No its not
So I actually see it and can enable it - it just looks risky because there is a warning that I could loose data
That is not tpm mate
It should be "intel platform trust technology (PTT)" not whatever u r saying that u saw

Yeah, I think I actually got it wrong by messaging here
because I did not take a ss, but tried to memorize it
Also if u have the option, it will only enable tpm 1.2
I can open my BIOS and show you what I mean through my phone if you want to
Not tpm 2.0
Ur pc/cpu doesn't have tpm 2.0
And u can't get it no matter what u do
(Except buying a new cpu or a tpm chip ofc)
So, currently it is disabled at it is 1.2
I do not need to enable it for 1.2 - that is why I thought I could get the newer
I am pretty sure I saw a guy with the same cpu and he actually had it
you even helped him out with the secure boot
They definitely didn't have an 6th gen cpu
But why would my BIOS have the option to enable it, if the current version is already 1.2?
Its alrdy enabled prob
Also show tpm.msc
here you go

Should I just open the BIOS and show you images of what I see?
It actually is not enabled

But this is what description it has

@lira :3 | #1 Alisha fan what do you think?
It is not enabled
Here it is and it is warning me that 2.0 might lead to me loosing some credentials
So it does actually support 2.0 🙂
It will enable 1.2