
my account has been hacked

i am logged out and someone is playing from my account , please help
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31 Replies
saul goodman
saul goodman8mo ago
damn they're ass change ur password bruh
saul goodman
saul goodman8mo ago
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NagiOP8mo ago
i no longer have access man
NagiOP8mo ago
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b8mo ago
howd u get hacked
NagiOP8mo ago
i dont know man , i tried logging in and my credentials were already changed and when i checked my tracker , someone was playing on my account
darling!8mo ago
hello yeah this has happened to a few of my friends recently, did u check ur emails? they would’ve opened them to change the email and password.. go to riot support website and click on account recovery, you just need to enter the email that the account was originally made on and then put your DOB, if you would’ve entered a fake dob at the time of account creation it doesn’t matter, just put your actual date of birth and then check your emails to get it back. this has worked for 4 of my friends who have had the same issue. some data breach im pretty sure. then after please change your email password so it doesn’t happen again, let me know if you’ve gotten back into your account
NagiOP8mo ago
i have done it already , i wait now?
darling!8mo ago
yeah you should recieve an email saying what do you wanna change your new password too and then hopefully get back into your account
NagiOP7mo ago
i did
darling!7mo ago
cool glad u got ur account back
mine also i want live support here no one solve my problems support ticket reply is very very slow live support is best to solve many problems
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NagiOP7mo ago
they gave my account back to the hacker he contacted riot support and gave him access tf is riot on? fr
darling!7mo ago
what??? that’s not happened to anybody i know that’s well weird he shouldn’t have access because the original email the account was made on belongs to you.. i’m not sure what he could’ve said for him to be able to get the account back i’m not sure what you can do but personally i’d send another account recovery email and then submit a normal ticket about account recovery and tell them the problem and ask why they’re giving access of your account to them, they might explain a reason on why he’s able to get it so you could prevent it, could be something like “you didn’t change the email back” or just something really simple. unfortunately this is a proper riot job through support tickets, you’ve said all you need to and say you can show proof, although the ticket is really slow i suggest following it up and asking for a reply, not too many times though as this can take longer but maybe send one more to ask them if you can arrange to sort something. have you tried seeing if you can do account recovery with that verified phone number? or maybe tried putting emails in that could be yours or have you just put a random email
NagiOP7mo ago
i have provided them with enough proof but after giving access to the hacker , they are being too strict to give me access , why the fuck did riot give access to hacker in a single mail while it takes to days , fuck riot
Nataki Tennis Beetle ™
have you tried reaching out to the hacker like from your friends account litteraly asking for your account back how did it happen in te first place
darling!7mo ago
honestly if i’m being fr? thats ridiculous. i’m not sure why you can’t get access back to your account or why they gave the hackers your account back to them. hasn’t happened to any of my friends or people who have had this issue. may i ask what your account is worth? how much money you’ve spent on it? as my friends and other people are all under £200 spent. it’s just been happening to loads of people, i think some data breach with riot, none of these people have done anything suspicious etc to have this happen
Nataki Tennis Beetle ™
Any way to prevent this? That two factor authentication thing?
darling!7mo ago
it wouldn’t work because the hackers are getting access to the people emails, opening them and then changing it that way, because to change a password it will send an email to your email account so they’re getting into people emails to change it that way, honestly i’ve heard this happening to a lot of people just on this community-help + a lot of my friends who play valorant have had the issue. i don’t think it’s something you can stop if you don’t know it’s happening. personally if it had happened because of a data leak, i’d recommend changing your password to your riot account so if they come across your account they wont be able to get access because it has already changed if that makes sense
Nataki Tennis Beetle ™
I mean to change the password you'd have to have access to the emails first And that's a whole different matter that can't be valorant's fault
darling!7mo ago
well in a data leak it would’ve given them your email account and password to that since it’s automatically saved as u can log into ur account via email,
Nataki Tennis Beetle ™
Damn But it opens up a Google window, surely that's separate from riot?
darling!7mo ago
honestly im not sure, but it’s happening to loads of people with riot accounts so i can only assume it’s linked since they’re just looking to take valorant accounts
Nataki Tennis Beetle ™
doesnt make much sense i doubt that's it did you have a password reset rq to your email @Nagi
imzalorbitch7mo ago
My acc was hacked also, I am going throught the same steps but they changed my email and password and I believe my email was compromised. I really hope riot can boot this brazilian off and get my acc back.
NagiOP7mo ago
this ass game's support team gave back access to the hacker after indentifying me as the owner , i did but what can i do if the access is taken from me by the game itself
Nataki Tennis Beetle ™
i dont understand how could he have reset your password without a password reset link
Corners7mo ago
show that u used to play on it and had acess to it in pictures and explain what happened it worked for me
NagiOP7mo ago
i did they gave me access but gave it to the hacker again now they won't return the access to me
Desmond7mo ago
Hi this happened to me so I’m speaking from experience if you used your credit card or PayPal use that as evidence of original oner. For me they asked for me when I started and I said it was in league of legends and ask what my first skin purchase was I was able to prove that it was me and they provided me with an username change, password change, email change also a name change voucher when I can name change and it won’t be associated with the previous name so if you type the previous name in valorant tracker you can’t find the new ign. This happened to me last month Hope this helps

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