Valorant Error
Hey! So recently my Valorant kinda died on me… At first the game would open but the screen would just be frozen but I could hear the music. But now I can’t even open Valorant at all, I just get an error screen “couldn’t start” and a long link. I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling twice. I’m not sure what to do.
23 Replies
Can you send a screenshot of the error?

How are you launching val? From riot client?
well i try to open with riot client and also just valorant itself and i get the same error
can u open cmd prompt and type
sc query vgk
tell me the stateit says 4 running
Uninstall vanguard. Delete the Riot Vanguard folder in C:\Program Files and registries (
sc delete vgk
and sc delete vgc
Restart PC and reinstall in riot clientso, just did this, and got the same error again. :( i’ve really appreciated your help
go here
C:\Riot Games\VALORANT\live\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64
Right click VALORANT-Win64-Shipping, Properties and then Compatibility tab
and screenshot
@cypher ☆okay

disable run this progarm as an administrator
hit apply & OK
and then relaunch
okay so it opened but it’s just a black screen but i can hear the music
When you hover over where the buttons should be, do you hear the sound effects?
now it looks like this, sometimes changes when i switch between tabs, but its frozen

is this the only game u experience this in?
try going in valorant video settings and changing to windowed fullscreen
it wont let me, its too frozen :,)
actually when this all started happening it was when i tried to full screen the game cause i accidentally windowed it
if you can manage to relaunch it and change that setting then itll proly fix
if it just stays frozen then try disabling fullscreen optimizations in properties
wow… so it seems it doesn’t work in fullscreen…
but windowed is just fine