38 Replies
my bios doesnt support tpm 2.0 or secure boot
You sure?
Sometimes you just gotta enable it for me TPM 2.0 was hidden
where is tpm
if its hidden
How did you check?
To know that they arent supported
Because I have one method, but I can’t say publicly
Windows key + R
Type 'msinfo32'
Send a screenshot
Windoss key + R
Type 'tpm.msc'
Send a screenshot

can anyone help
Open disk management
Show ss

Open cmd as admin
Also before we proceed
I must warn u that there is a very very slight chance that ur windows might get bricked
So its recommended to have a usb with windows installed on it
wym by bricked
will it be fine if i factory reset
It might not boot and u will need to reinstall windows
(U should still have ur data)
what if i just factory reset
will it work again
The chances of it bricking ur windows are very low but yeah they are not 0
,y valroant
U will not be able to i think
im not doing that
Do u have a usb?
I recommend just proceeding tbh lol
As it hardly happens to anyone
And it usually only happens to people with a rly old system
So what will it be
ok so what do i do
Open cmd as admin
Type this command
mbr2gpt.exe /convert /disk:2 /allowFullOS
Show result
(Also don't close cmd)

1 sec
Can u maximize that
Show another ss
As i think its only showing half of the partitions

Not of that
That ^^

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Enter: list vol
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wait i’m going to sleep
it’s 4am for me