i can’t play more than one game
so basically, i just started playing again after a 6 month break, and i realised i can’t play more than one game, like the first game i play, i have 80fps constantly, if i play another game, i have 5 fps and its just unplayable, i play on a low end laptop and i know its part of the problem, but it didn’t do that 6 months ago
25 Replies
To find a solution for your problem, you need a solution
can you restart your pc after every game @jinggg #1 FAN
i do but its still 5 fps
i have to wait for it to cool down
like 30 min
are you sure your hardware is in order?
like your cooling especially?
i don’t know i haven’t used it in 6 months
i mean that'd be the first thing to check then
do i have to go to some specialised
or i can check on it
i mean you should be able to check your hardware usage and temperature yourself and see if theres anything weird going on
wait imma look
so when i don’t have anything opens its like 60•C gpu temperature
i’m booting valorant to see
Ngl… did not know 5 fps was possible
when valorant is booted it’s like 95
should i sent photo

did u uninstall and install?
wait a sec
wait a secc
wait so its like 5 fps, why is it unplayable?
like my game just moves in photos i don’t know
oh, idk how to fix that aa ;-;
i guess the laptop overheats that’s why the performance slows down
but idk how to fix it
@forsaken its possible you might need to clean your device or change the thermal paste or something like that, depending idk if you're not comfortable doing something like that consider going to a professional
this is just my guesswork though, might or might not actually fix your problem
thank u