(failed)net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB when enable CloudFlare and fetch images from another sites

I have 1 vps, and its have 2 domains on it which is pbswest.org and indigoapparel.online. At current, all images is stored inside pbswest.org, then indigoapparel.online will load images from its. But when I try to fetch images, it return 403 error and browser is saying that (failed)net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB. The 403 error will go away if I pause CloudFlare. I also make css and js request from original site and no 403 error, only images is effected.
2 Replies
Chaika8mo ago
pbswest images load fine for me . The other site images don't load for me, it's not proxied by CF, looks like maybe a related javascript error in console. ORB I believe refers to Opaque Response Blocking/Cross-Origin Read Blocking. It looks like indigoapparel is indeed loading assets/scripts from pbswest.org. I don't see any error with it, but I would guess that's related as well. Chrome does a good job of highlighting those errors in console if you can reproduce it
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I fixed by disable Hotlink Protection in Scrape Shield

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