load times
My Val load times have been so bad to where I wouldn’t get in until half of fist round or start of second round and I get getting penalized I was wondering if anyone could help me
31 Replies
Is Valorant installed on your HDD or SSD?
How do I check
Open Device Manager and then take a screenshot of what it shows under the "Disk drives" tab

Couple questions:
Is Valorant slow to load on launch? & Is your ping relatively stable?
yes and yes
honestly just might have a crappy hard drive. How full is it?
do i just check my storage
Used vs free
How many gb are used vs how many are free
882 out of 930
idk why its taking up so much this is what it goes to

yeah its always been buggy, though it could help to fully uninstall & reinstall
How much RAM do you have?
& is it DDR4, DDR5?
just curious
i just upgraded my ram from 6 to 20 and i have ddr 4
Are you noticing any other programs being slow?
no i tryed apex and csgo and they worked fine
When did you first install Val? And have you ever wiped riot's cache?
wdym wipe riots cache
Guys I have the same issue
well, even if you've uninstalled previously there's some files that get left behind
And it tends to cause problems
Its Riot Fault because its not optimized for the HDDs and SSDs
well i got a new cpu (witch was a upgrade from my old one) and i had to redownload val and thats when it started
I highly doubt it's a hardware problem
If you wanna stream I can help you do a clean uninstall
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