Hello team, I'd like to view logs of who

Hello team, I'd like to view logs of who interacted with one of my liveboards (specifically: which users viewed the liveboard, and did they download data from it). Can you help?
7 Replies
shikharTS8mo ago
You can checkout the product usage worksheet in TS.
Thomas Brink
Thomas BrinkOP8mo ago
Checked this, but do not see any recent events. What is the cadence for this to upate? Also, I do not see 'download' events there Any update here? Thanks
utsav.kapoor8mo ago
@Thomas Brink - We are checking internally. Please give us a day or two so we can guide you
Thomas Brink
Thomas BrinkOP7mo ago
Thanks, the specific liveboard I'm interested in is that with id '65f517c6-9340-4868-ba1f-c08ff645b31f' Any update here? Adding @Leslie Chiang here for visibility
shikharTS7mo ago
From the relevant team : We can see who opened a Liveboard using TS:BI server data. Applying filters on user action, in this case PINBOARD_VIEW and answer book guid (liveboard id) should filter out the required data. For download we will have to check from service logs as we do not expose this data. Can you open a ticket for this. Also any specific usecase you are looking for? We can open a feature request as well.
Thomas Brink
Thomas BrinkOP7mo ago
I see, how can I get to BI server data? As for service logs, there is no feature request from our side, we just want to retrieve the information for the specific liveboard (guid given above) to see who interacted with & downloaded the data
shikharTS7mo ago
It is a worksheet that you can search in ThoughtSpot. Please check the worksheets created by System User and check that out. If you want that information, you might need to log a ticket for this and our team will get you this info, currently we do not expose this data directly

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