I don’t know why I have a sanction in ranked but not in other mod il just unlock the ranked help me

9 Replies
you went afk in other gamemodes, leaving you with a penalty from competitive queue
Yeah but 5 hours !
Nah sorry 5 days ! Even more
I know im being afk it’s because
1. My pc freeze because of the temperature
2. Idk
Wait but i never played competitive games
I just unlocked it
other gamemodes yea
Ah shit but 5 days is big nah ?
not really, there are people being banned from comp for weeks/months
The ban was originally prob a 7 day ban
2 days have passed since u got the ban
I did nothing just being afk cause my pc is freezing the screen for the high temperature
In France its very hot
the system doesnt know that. it just registers that you left the game
Ah crap