Transfer domains between accounts

Does anyone know how to transfer domains from one cloud flare account to another. Domains are using TLD .dev and .family? Any information or links to help articles is appreciated
5 Replies
Hello, I’m Allie!
Registrar does not currently support account-to-account transfers, unfortunately. You need to transfer out to a different registrar, then transfer back in on the new account
dexdeficitOP8mo ago
Ah, tysm. Do you know is account to account transfers are something that is being worked on or?
Hello, I’m Allie!
I do not know, unfortunately. It is a different team
Andriej Michajlowski
Hey there. I also need to transfer a few domains from one account to another. If i transfer the registrar to let's say godaddy and transfer it back to cloudflare, would I: 1) loose connectivity to the websites protected by cloudflare and 2) would I loose my dns settings and configurations?
yabbeh7mo ago
you can transfer registrars and keep your site up as long as you don't change nameservers

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