I was being stupid and I ended up cheating on VALORANT. I joined a server and they convinced me into cheating. SERVER WAS CALLED LIMIT SERVICES. They gave me a free key if I could edit them a video and I did. I joined from a TikTok Live, they told me if I got banned I could use a spoofer and I didn't as they wanted me to do things to my hardware. - (THIS WAS AFTER I WAS BANNED) I thought spoofing would get my account unbanned as well. I obviously gave in because they said it was undetected impossible to get banned. Of course they said that. I used it for a day and got bored of it so I stopped after 3-5 days I didn’t know that it would end up leading to my account being banned. I obviously used an alt account. But I logged into my main not knowing I was hwid banned. It was a stupid decision of me and I regretted it since this day. Every day I just think to myself I spent $6000 and my idiot self got the account banned. I sent a ticket to riot and they said they couldn’t do anything about it. I was hoping they would give me a second chance, but they didn’t. I know it’s my fault and I should’ve never done it. I’m only posting this year just in case a riot developer sees it and would give me a second chance. I spent my four months waiting to get unbanned. It’s been a couple weeks since I’ve officially got unbanned with a guilt that I spent $6000 on a game and lost it all just stays with me. That also ended up getting my brother’s account banned. He plays on a laptop so when I was at the gym, he snuck into my room and re-downloaded VALORANT not knowing that I was hardware banned he cried of course and I felt really really bad so I bought him $100 worth of VP on his new account, but that doesn’t help that he spent almost all of his money on his account.
Solution:Jump to solution
You were banned for cheating. Any and all software that gives you a competitive advantage is bannable without chance of appeal. GG
364 Replies


Honestly I just want my little brothers account unbanned. "To everyone saying it was my alt, it wasn't. My alt was never banned, and I'm playing on it right now. My brother spent around $600 on his account. I'm sorry if my story isn't believable to you, but it's the truth. I honestly don't care what the results are. Of course, Riot is going to decline this, but it's worth a try. He didn't deserve this, but I definitely did."
should they give me a second chance :val_HelloBro:
Riot games are like the worst game to try to cheat in
They literally know everything that is on your computer
No cheat is undetectable
awe man
as acheater myself
you always close vanguard before cheating in anothert game
My friend cheats using win xp thing he’s been shit talking ever since he hit diamond with cheats and it’s kinda annoying that he shit talks even tho he’s cheating his way to rank up
Isnt that for stretch res or sum shit
Can a mod see this so they can tell devs to make vanguard stop win xp?
true strech rs ye
banable tho
yes all devs can see
only if they want to look at it though
"I was being stupid and I ended up cheating on VALORANT"
GG, no unban
Deal with it
don’t cheat in a video game like a weirdo
yeah but like it was peer pressured
no you werent
I dont even care about it
Just want my brother unbanned
Typical my little brother cheated guy
I didn't say he cheated
you’re a new content creator
and now you’ve retired
before even starting
whatever bro
you can try to appeal after like 2 years
even then chances will be slim to none
Yea u ain't getting unbanned
Whatever u do
Also ur brother "sneaking in ur room and re downloading val" part is basically bs
No one in their right mind is gonna believe that
yeah, i get it. not expecting much at this point but my brother really did sneak in and re-download it. I had riot downloaded for league doesnt take long when I have ethernet
vanguard got me banned on fornite as well
you like cheating huh
no not really
it got boring after 2 games
never cheated on fortnite either.
you guys are actually so rude omg
like I dont see where the story doesnt add up
can someone explain what Im missing :Reyna_Angry:
cheating = ban
no matter if it was the brother or not, its still a justified ban
He said he cheated
not his brother
....so its a ban
wait let me summarize what I read
He said he cheated for a day played on his main for 3 days logging back on the next day to a ban his brother snuck into his room logged into his account and also got banned
i guess
Let me put it another way if someone sold you a hardware banned pc and you got your account banned without knowing it had a hardware ban, you’d be pretty upset, no?
this is not what happened :Hehe:
of course not
"Let me put it another way "
Obviously its not his fault if he didnt know his brother was hardware banned
yet he wont be unbanned
he sounds young to me so I bet he didnt even know what it was
Honestly, he's smart for posting this. Valorant wants to be seen as a nice, no-toxicity game, so they might let this slide. I got a 48-hour ban for AFK in comp, and they lifted it in just 8 hours, so it’s true they might reconsider
afk isnt bank cheating
cheating = perma ban + hardware id ban
no unban
yk what
I actually agree with @min
which will not result in an unban either
ive seem so many people get unbanned 💀
idk man you're just a hater tbh
I sent a ticket to riot and they said they couldn’t do anything about it. I was hoping they would give me a second chance, but they didn’t
support thinks otherwise
"give him a second chance"
im not a hater, in this case im a realist
he clearly said he doesnt care if he gets unbanned
but they didnt
I honestly do not get riot.
thats why hes wants his brother unbanned
like what
Yeah I have a new main!

he didnt do anything!!
I remember sneaking into my brothers room to play fortnite omg
but now I have my own pc :Sage_Heart:
Gg's accounts gone no unban clear as water..
but like
I think he deserves an unban
if I were riot I can see he has regreted it the most
and hes literally putting his brother before himm 🩷
5 grand in CAD skins for in game could get her lil brother a pc
yea maybe but thats his hard earned cash
he can spend it however he likes
he chose valorant and obviously he didnt spend 5k at once I spent 2k on valorant ive been playing since beta
Yeah and he received an Hard earned ban
was he not peer pressured?!
if i was in this situation id probably take that offer ngl
Like yeah I see where you are coming from he did deserve it but his statements are pretty clear and its reasonable for him to get unbanned
tbh they wouldnt care, cause he decided to cheat. every game he played with cheats made at least 5 players upset for ruining there experience.
bought cheat from a tiktok live :Hehe:
I don't think you actually read what he wrote?!
can you?
He clearly said he found the "SERVER" from a tiktok live.
thats pretty much the same thing
Whatever doesnt change the outcome does it
He was interested and they PEER PRESSURED him into beng even more interested that he just went with it
LMAO im weak
idk man
it doesnt change the outcome, no
Being harsh and these topics is the way to go. Thats a lesson for them. We've seen a lot of competitive games ruining there own player base because of this huge cheating thingy.
I played 1 swift play and 2 unrateds
I had a day trial key
It was an alt and it never was comp ready
thats 15 players on the enemy team you ruined there experience
I lost the first unrated
well not realllyyy
??? xd
@azan 🪐 were u raging?
How you know you were in the game ?
well if he wasnt raging its not like he did that much harm
I had something called a colorbot
color bots are horrible
I do not think you ruined anyones games with that...
cheat = ban
thats what happened
omg bro
its like you never even understood why hes here LMFAWO
Whats so funny about it?
he doesnt understand anything and when he cant say anything else he just says cheat = ban
random people didn’t just “peer pressure” him into putting credit card details, downloading the cheat, editing an entire video for the key, and use that cheat key without him thinking once that he himself wants to do this
also you also just said he was interested therefore yes it was his idea
I get what you’re saying. It’s hard to think that random people pushed him into doing all this. It wasn’t just about entering credit card info (I don't think he purchased them? Correct me if I am wrong.) and downloading cheats he had to make a bunch of choices, like editing a video and using the cheat. It sounds like he got got himself in a bad situation and made some poor decisions, but it wasn’t entirely his fault. Like we all have made really bad mistakes before. I was interested in it too but I thankfully was broke. Never bought it. Its really tempting especially when you're horrible at the game.
But I can imagine how he went with all of it he had to have been hesitant at first
how is was it not entirely his fault?
it sounds like he was heavily influenced and pressured. If he was pushed into this situation and didn't fully understand the consequences It could be seen not entirely his fault.
yeah, no
But we aren't talking about his consequences we are talking about someone who didn't deserve to be punished
ohh mb yeah i guess he got the key for free i forgot about that. yes people make mistakes in life and should be forgiven, this is not one of those cases. not because he doesn’t deserve to be forgiven, he seems genuinely remorseful, it’s more of the fact that realistically, if he was forgiven and unbanned, or even just his brother, this can set a bad example and others can just cheat in val and think they can just say to support that they made dumb decisions and regret it and just get a free unban which will result in a surge of people trying to download cheats without any punishment
Well we all know riot has the technology and reports to know the exact truth behind it obviously yeah it could impact cheating to grow but actual innocent players don't deserve it.
Given that he wasn’t directly involved in the cheating and had no control over the situation, I believe it would be fair to reconsider his ban.
Riot has done it multiple times where they unban people with false hardware bans. If proof is shown then yes there should absolutely be an unban.
There is a bunch of reddit and tweets about it and they do give execptions

Those are the times when it was an actual mistake on riot's part
This time it clearly isn't a mistake so they can't get unbanned
Also if they can prove someone hacked the account and played on it
(That too is in riot's control to check if that actually happened)
They will not believe words, they only believe facts which they first confirm themselves
so if someone logged onto a desktop that was never logged onto before banned the account that isnt a mistake?
because my friend had access to my account
he banned it
I got it back
r u taking about the op or the brother
U willingly gave the account to ur friend (which is against riot's TOS btw)
they still unbanned me
Its for this exact reason sharing of accounts is prohibited
and I did mention my friend had access
Yea cuz u claimed that ur friend did it and they confirmed it
thats confusing why would they unban me if I commited something againts there tos
idk dude riots weird
it’s not the brothers fault, however, at the end of the day i’m trying to be realistic, if the brother gets unbanned, there will be many and MANY people flooding support tickets saying that x account was actually my sibling’s account that hasnt done anything when in reality its just their alt
Sharing of account doesn't = a ban
I guess I could prove it?
It can lock ur account tho
pretty sure some ppl
got banned for it idk the details but honestly i’ve never had anyone i personally know encounter this soo it’s not really anything
my friend was toxic
Nah nobody gets banned for that
he did it on purpose becuase i made fun of him for getting banned
The account sharing prohibited rule is there for the safety of the user's account
As alot of times people just dip with the account
Or hack on it
it’s way too much work for support that its not worth their time, not to be rude. plus people can easily fake proof and it’s just unnecessary to do all that when the person in question has cheated anyways
So how exactly u gon prove it btw?
Ah, i guess I could show my alt + his main they played around the sametime.
1. why would you give someone who just got banned your account
2. why would you make fun of the person who can decide whether or not they want to permanently send your account into the shadow realm
Well when you're lonely and have no one to play val with you get close to the only kid who plays it.
We both played on eachothers accounts.
I was already logged onto his and it was perma ban
I sent him a pic and laughed at him
and in return he logged onto mine
The thing is like, the ip of both of ur accounts will be same
It will be as if u both played on the same pc
Not the hardware
As both of u are most prob connected to the same wifi
This is the account I was playing on while I was banned

Did u write to support about how ur brother supposedly logged into his acc on ur pc?
I'm not sure
My brother said he contacted support
Wdym u r not sure
I can login to check.
Show the reply
They gave him
Also show what ur brother wrote to them to begin with
this was his account:

y’all are stacked 😭😭😭
I don't need to see what he had
Show the reply he got
I want that"

Damn bro
He gave them so much info

Definitely said what actually happened

Of course he did that jesus bro..
So tell me where he explained to them what actually happened and asked them to unban him?

Thats it
U rly expect him to get unbanned with an explanation like that?
Write a proper ticket to them
Explaining how his brothers pc was hwid banned and he logged into his account on that pc not knowing the pc was hwid banned
Then ask them to unban him
Thats why I explained it all here.
There support is useless.
Just copy and paste and a bit of editing.
yeah there is like 19 riot devs here
should i ping one
@Riot Schmick hi
am I gonna get banned now
most of them are legit just on the art team
plus they won’t have any exceptions for you just because you’re talking to them in a discord server instead of an official support ticket
Yeah bro and can you imagine my sister snuck in my room and downloaded all the hacks then i got banned
I might as well just give up
I tried my best and that’s all that counts
Why u pinging them
No riot devs here can help with stuff like these
Tried ur best?
Thats ur "best"?
All I have left to do is make another support ticket. A lot of the proof that I have is personal, so obviously I can’t share it here.
Go explain it to support
Not here
Yeah, I just thought maybe the riot developers had connections with other riot developers
why would you even spend thousands of dollars on a shooter anyway
When I was 15, my parents gave me $1500. I use most of it by 16 until I got access to my bank account which had even more in it. I ran a small business on discord double the money and ended up spending it on valorant
and then decide to cheat
That’s the thing I never realize what would happen
who would have guessed you could get banned for cheating
They told me one day of using cheats wouldn’t do anything
so they can sell you more cheats
and generate more money
I never bought off them
I’m pretty sure if I try my best I can find the messages
I think two or three were in DM’s
me when college exists (you can save and go get a higher education)
you aren’t the brightest of the bunch are you
the sharpest tool in the shed
Thats enough, don't make bro feel that bad
he should feel bad tbh
He’s acting stupid about it when he knows deep down full well if he didn’t get caught he woulda kept doing it
I believe I have seen limit services on tt live
I agree that cheating is bad but @azan 🪐 was peer pressured into it
Like I would also accept something for free
He most likely didn’t get banned from reports but by just the anticheat
imagine cheating. no skill. u deserve the ban
are you?
ykw nvm
some people man
all win exp does is give you stretch res, which is not banable at all
please use google guys!
its very helpful considering its literally made for questions!
it is bannable tho :p
@jidat :r_stare:


wtf I didn't even have the cheats enabled

thtas crazy sad
i cant even buy a bp 💀
losing 6k crazy
do you know if the cheat was internal or external?
Whats the difference?
All I know is that it was a color bot do not know how it works.
thats actually so sad
Send this to riot..

internal modifies the games memory changing values in the game
I'm not sure.
external is a EXTERNAL cheat that depends on sources other than the game
all g
i thought you did cheat?
Did you have the loader downloaded
It was external
or injectr
Yeah I injected it but thought it automatically added aimbot or something but I guess it didn't?
I'm still confused
banned on inject
what did it do
did you get banned on inject?
No I got banned a couple days after
it just asked me for my key I entered it I remember something like waiting on Valorant then it closing
what did the cheat do ingame
I think you injected the dll wrong
I don't know
did u see the colorbot?
What was it suppose to look like
Wait I think I recorded it and sent it to him
a colorbot changes the colors of enemy and allied players
similer to walls
did you see enimies through walls
bro has some expeirence with cheats 💀
lol no its not!! just cus your level 50 doesnt mean you know everything
I have one clip I sent to him
shots fired
send me the clip
ahh okay! maybe i was wrong, please show a reliable source to that
yikes Im ass
I see a circle flashing on your screen'
whats that?
fov circle
It was just aim assists not walls
from what ive heard its a fov circle

I do not think I had it enabled
@mocha im waiting :OKAY:
from the vanguard script if you literally look up win exp it is no where on the white list for vanguard, therefore it is not bannable
Ive programmed my own anticheat, trying my best to create a reliable solution to the cheating problem
show me the reliable source that it is then LMAO
ive been using it for a year and have never had an issue
No, using WinExp (Windows) itself is not bannable for Valorant. However, certain modifications to your system, like using unauthorized third-party software or cheats, can lead to a ban. Valorant's anti-cheat system, Vanguard, is strict and can detect software that gives players an unfair advantage. Always use legitimate and approved tools to avoid any risk of a ban.
wya now
the reliable source is that "it isnt on the vanguard whitelist"?
also another reliable source is that you use it, and you havent been banned?
I use it as well
this doesnt mean its not bannable

are we not gonna talk about the fact that d4v4i used it in a vct competitive match 2 days ago?
wheres ur reliable source

I suggest you just dont use any third party software
both of those are outdated
yet again
the way vangaurd is structured detects and flags anything the injects into game'
d4v4i used stretch res, ON STAGE, at a VCT COMPETITION
winExp hasnt been officially approved by any riot official (as far as i know)
the support wont tell you if it is (not) bannable
as long as people claim to be banned by using it, it is potentially bannable
:valExclamation: Riot does not offer an official list of which software, hardware, or other modifications may lead to ban. Riot is constantly working on trying to keep the game fair for all players. They stress that any modification that causes an unfair advantage for players, will lead to a restriction.
Learn more below:
correct but you will only be banned if it is white listed
7 hours ago :pepeshy:
why are you still talking i have provided the adequate proof i need
people use stretch res and then pocket cheat
vangaurd will flag any unsual activity on your account
and blame it on win exp
shit i wouldnt be surprised if someone said val tracker banned them while pocket cheating
if pro valorant players are using it without getting banned then the software IN ITSELF are NOT BANNABLE
@jidat @Saucywan :c_eheh_smile:
I just play roblox val
tenz tested it on stream, d4v4i used it on stage at a vct match
peaked immo 1 :king:
the use of win exp being known by devs and other mods of valorant is not bannable
the software is not bannable
Oh okay I understand
you can keep yappin and @ your discord mod ass friends but it doesnt change the fact your wrong 🤣
What happened?
win exp is a licensed software
"winexp is not bannable because i (and pros) use it"
so it is whitelisted
for vangaurd
you got some copy paste novel for that?
was not my reasoning
It is not
Excuse me?
not you
enlighten me please
what has changed
sorry king
kernel will detect anything
but win exp is whitelisted
It’s not
Whoever told you that is not smart
proven right again
win exp is a licensed software by microsoft
same with raw accell
@azan 🪐 you have contacted riot support right?
just bc its licensed software doesnt mean its whitelisted
majority of the time its unlicensed software thats whitelisted..
It is not.
damn mb I need to check my sources
I apologize
@azan 🪐
u contacted support right?
Yep, I also jsut recently sent another.
can u send me their tiktok'
limit services
Let's not
You were banned for cheating. Any and all software that gives you a competitive advantage is bannable without chance of appeal. GG
This ticket is now closed
update us when riot unbans pls :p
thats not really what he made it for
so its still not solved
Then what is the question
if his brother can be unbanned
By what i've read hes trying to get his brother unbanend
since he logged onto his account while heid banned i think
The ban was placed fairly
And as I said there is no chance of appeal
But it wasn't his fault
Doesn't matter
He never knew his brother was hwid banned
and his brother never knew he would log onto it?
He is trying to get his brother unbanned
His brother didnt know
You as the owner of the account have the responsible for your account and its integrity
But that wasent his account
Why shall someone else have to take a consequence that isn't theres? Doesn't seem fair
Like I said it doesn't matter
I agree with @min
Are you a riot support member?
He didnt know that his brother was hwid banned
with a lot of proof that helps him prove his intentions were never to get his brother banned
he accepted his ban
but hes not accepted the ban of his brother thats so reasonable
Hes taking responsibility and trying to get his brother banned
what are we even argueing about
why nedd to prove points when we just have to wait for support to say that the ban will stay/ not stay
Isn't that why he made this? To get more attention to the situation.
this wont help a bit tho
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
also pinging devs doesnt help either as they dont even work for support
That kid was weird
it doesnt bring any attention to the ban in any way

valorant only wans money
dont care about customer support
all game devs do that
greedy mfs
what do yall not understand, cheat = ban riot dont gaf thats on you for cheating anyway u aint gettin your lil bro acc back gng
Me: my friend asked for my pc specs and I don’t know wtf that is so I sent a pic of my pc
Yea I def know how to get “stretched rez cheats” or something
(I don’t)
why people saying that he got peer pressured. someone came, offered him money and told him it was an undetectable cheat that would’ve ruined the experience for others. at the end of the day nobody peer pressured him to download it and inject onto his game, it was his idea. even though he’s changed, it’s very unlikely he will be unbanned, it will just spread a message to others that they can cheat and if they show remorse that they’ll just get unbanned like that.

just go to task manager
itll show your pc specs
just go to the performance tab iirc
I did after I searched up how to find pc specs
for your friends or your own pc?
I was just saying @mocha I know nothing about pcs so I don’t k is how to get whatever stretched rez is
i think someone posted stretched res tut on twitter or smth
u just put ur game in windowed, go to your monitor settings ans set it to a different resolution and boom stretched without any external program
i still don’t know if this is bannable and the steps to do stretched is not as simple (you need to go in a different settings menu )
Oh so it just makes your screen more stretched?
I saw people on yt have clip montages of stretched rez I thought it was an aim assist thing for pc that’s why it was quoted bannable
there will be the window white tab at the top and if you want to remove that you’ll need external
i don’t think stretching your resolution will give aim assist but it may help with aiming
Oh yea
cheating crazy
cheating on a account with 6k in it is crazy crazy
just buy a level 20 account for $0.20 from a russian hacker or something
Uk hwid ban is a thing right?
any cheater is running a hwid and ip spoofer
bro its true stretched dumb a 💀
My friend said he’s getting cheats using the software or something
he is capping
win exp is used
for windowed programs
He ranked from silver to d2 this season
i mean
true stretched does make people easier to hit
but he might have a cheat
Was hardstuck gold and he played s2
that requires win exp
but low chance
what cheats is bro using
i think he is using true stretched 💀
U saw it right
i dont think bro is a cheater
val will ban him insta
Idk ranking up from silver to d2 in the same season when you didnt peak g3 and saying your cheating might mean your cheating 🤷
yeahh but idk
i was g3 and reached dia 3
with true stretched
i mean its op
and even if he is cheating he will get banned eventually
real fr
Us moment
In 1 act too
womp womp
With a hardware ban can you log in into another device and you can play on your main?
Or is a hardware ban including an permanent account ban to all devices