Does cloudfare has Website Hosting?

I'm a bit confused with the large selection of products and services from cloudfare. All i knew is that a CDN service is in place, but can I migrate and host a wordpress Website? I've crawled some websites saying they are hosted by Cloudfare. Thanks and sorry for the ignorance. Not even sure what tag to use.
1 Reply
Chaika8mo ago
No worries
can I migrate and host a wordpress Website?
Simple answer: No. Longer answer: Cloudflare offers some ways to host content. If you could export your wordpress website (using some static exporter) to raw html/css/js, you could upload it to Cloudflare Pages and serve it. But you'd still need to run wordpress somewhere to do that/it wouldn't work with any sort of dynamic site. Cloudflare offers some ways to host dynamic webpages, Cloudflare Pages has support for a lot of Javascript Frameworks, which run on "Pages Functions" which are Workers with some magic around them. And Workers is their serverless platform for running Javascript. Lots of words, but to boil it down further: no wordpress, not a traditional host, no php, etc You can put Cloudflare in front of your wordpress site with their CDN to benefit from caching/protection/etc, but that's not hosting

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