Cloudflare Pages Error

Hey, I've noticed something wrong in Cloudflare Pages. Trying to deploy a new build from main branch, what took 42 seconds before (and successfully deployed), now is taking 32 minutes to a timeout error (obviously). Is there something wrong on my side, or is something wrong with Cloudflare Pages? Logs:
00:03:18.645 ✓ built in 14.59s
00:03:18.646 - Using dynamic import() to code-split the application
00:03:18.646 - Use build.rollupOptions.output.manualChunks to improve chunking:
00:03:18.646 - Adjust chunk size limit for this warning via build.chunkSizeWarningLimit.
00:03:18.783 Finished
00:03:18.783 Note: No functions dir at /functions found. Skipping.
00:03:18.784 Validating asset output directory
00:03:20.654 Deploying your site to Cloudflare's global network...
00:03:22.920 Uploading... (30/35)
00:03:23.320 Uploading... (31/35)
00:03:23.839 Uploading... (33/35)
00:03:24.167 Uploading... (35/35)
00:03:24.167 ✨ Success! Uploaded 5 files (30 already uploaded) (1.59 sec)
00:03:24.414 ✨ Upload complete!
00:03:26.609 Success: Assets published!
00:03:27.958 Success: Your site was deployed!
00:03:18.645 ✓ built in 14.59s
00:03:18.646 - Using dynamic import() to code-split the application
00:03:18.646 - Use build.rollupOptions.output.manualChunks to improve chunking:
00:03:18.646 - Adjust chunk size limit for this warning via build.chunkSizeWarningLimit.
00:03:18.783 Finished
00:03:18.783 Note: No functions dir at /functions found. Skipping.
00:03:18.784 Validating asset output directory
00:03:20.654 Deploying your site to Cloudflare's global network...
00:03:22.920 Uploading... (30/35)
00:03:23.320 Uploading... (31/35)
00:03:23.839 Uploading... (33/35)
00:03:24.167 Uploading... (35/35)
00:03:24.167 ✨ Success! Uploaded 5 files (30 already uploaded) (1.59 sec)
00:03:24.414 ✨ Upload complete!
00:03:26.609 Success: Assets published!
00:03:27.958 Success: Your site was deployed!
(in 43 seconds) ---
22:42:19.420 1,418.23 kB │ gzip: 408.13 kB
22:42:19.420 ✓ built in 14.78s
22:42:19.421 (!) Some chunks are larger than 500 kB after minification. Consider:
22:42:19.421 - Using dynamic import() to code-split the application
23:17:09.451 Failed: build exceeded the time limit and was terminated. Refer to for build limits
22:42:19.420 1,418.23 kB │ gzip: 408.13 kB
22:42:19.420 ✓ built in 14.78s
22:42:19.421 (!) Some chunks are larger than 500 kB after minification. Consider:
22:42:19.421 - Using dynamic import() to code-split the application
23:17:09.451 Failed: build exceeded the time limit and was terminated. Refer to for build limits
--- I can see that it's recommending to improve chunking, but I highly doubt that's the issue at hand, as it used to build nicely before. Account ID: efa7256e3cfa3e09198c515e1596c9a7 Deployment ID: 61b6bd5c-e5ec-4123-9834-36ee07e2e452
3 Replies
brainOP8mo ago
Also, it's a simple React/Vite SPA. No next.js or any SSR
Walshy8mo ago
what changes did you do? we're timing out the build so for whatever reason, your build is just taking a long time now (possibly a bad update is hanging)
brainOP8mo ago
@Walshy | Deploying seemed to be a dependency error. already fixed 🙂

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