Zero Trust Tunnel: Can't get VNC to work

Hello, I have an Ubuntu Desktop with apache2 webserver installed. I use Cloudflare Tunnel to access my server from anywhere outside my network. I use the domain I already set up a subdomain ( to access SSH service through cloudflare tunnel. Now I am also trying to access VNC online through Cloudflare, I followed the steps on but also, I can't find any config.yml on my ubuntu system (ofc I have cloudflared installed and already set up). Anyway, I also created the application on the Access tab on Zero Trust with the correct configuration (Type: VNC, URL: localhost). But when I open and login using email OTP, it says "The origin has unexpectedly closed the connection. Please confirm that the origin is healthy." and in the browser console there is following error: "Failed when connecting: Invalid server version 2.0-Ope" Please help, thanks!
Cloudflare Docs
Render a VNC client in browser · Cloudflare Zero Trust docs
Cloudflare can render a Virtual Network Computer (VNC) terminal in your browser without any client software or configuration required.
2 Replies
Chaika8mo ago
Which vnc server are you using? Sounds like it's getting caught up on it somehow. The VNC Browser option only supports a few specific setups, could always go the arbitrary tcp way and whichever vnc client you want locally:
Cloudflare Docs
Arbitrary TCP · Cloudflare Zero Trust docs
Cloudflare Access provides a mechanism for end users to authenticate with their single sign-on (SSO) provider and connect to resources over arbitrary …
TemalOP8mo ago
hi /close

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