I can't play ranked
I'm ban for some ranked for some reason, and it says I'm ban for a long time
7 Replies
if you disrupt a lot of matches, you'll be put on a ranked queue cooldown. this is normal.
I was going to play ranked for the first time
and I got this
they add to a ranked queue cooldown after disrupting matches in any queue. so you could end up with a huge cooldown even before you've unlocked ranked queue.
you can dispute it with riot here tho: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360003537994
the link is acting weird
want to privet call?
no. neither i nor no anyone on this server can help with your ban 😦
I mean to help me use this link
idk why but it's acting wierd on me