mfad8mo ago

Help choosing brown dress shoes and tie

Hello everyone. Edit: budget ideally under $200 for the shoes I’m searching for some brown dress shoes for this navy suit. However I’m struggling when choosing the shade… I would appreciate some suggestions. I also have no clue of which tie color to choose. What about the belt too? I plan to wear this dark navy suit with a white shirt
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11 Replies
FFOP8mo ago
Here you can see the colour better
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raisinpie8mo ago
id go dark brown shoes. to keep it simple you can match your belt to the shoes. tie color could be anything darker than your shirt and lighter than the suit
Elvander8mo ago
As raisin said, dark brown. Derby not oxford for more vesatility. Don't do tan. Tie is up to your taste but last suggestion would be look up a four in hand knot.
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zeometer8mo ago
i'll echo the suggestions for shoe and tie color i'll also add if you're looking for specific brands, $200 is a pretty low amount for a decent dress shoe. you might find something on shoebank from allen edmonds but will likely have better luck going second hand on ebay - allen edmonds, florsheim, and gh bass all come to mind as being under the budget secondhand
FFOP8mo ago
Thanks everyone
FFOP8mo ago
Will this shoe work?
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FFOP8mo ago
@raisin @Elvander @zeometer (sorry for ping, not sure if you get notifications without it)
zeometer8mo ago
i'm still following the thread you don't need to ping additionally you might find someone else knows the answer
FFOP8mo ago
Sorry, didn’t know that
zeometer8mo ago
anyway, those are fine
FFOP8mo ago
Thanks 🙏

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