Help Me I'm losing it
hi everyone that sees this im here looking for help. Ever since the new update i haven't been able to get into the game i keep get a error code so i looked up help on google and follow it and i still can't get into the game and when i don't get the error code I'm stuck on the loading screen. I've been up all night try to get it to work and I've try everything i can think of I'm really lost and any help would be great
8 Replies
Which error code do you get?
A Critical error has occurred
Windows key + R
Type 'services.msc'
Locate to the 'vgc' service
Set the startup type to 'Automatic'
Restart computer
You can also try this:
And run the game as admin
I've done all of that
And I still get this

Windows key + R
Type 'eventwvr'
On the left panel expand 'Windows Logs' > Application.
Sort the logs by date and find the error log related to the game and check what the description says
This will help troubleshooting the error
okay will do
um well that didn't work do you have any other ideas ?
did ya fix it?