RunPod6mo ago
Sir Falk

Exposing port not working

I'm trying to create embeddings using infinity. There is already a docker container for that: https://hub.docker.com/r/michaelf34/infinity Now I've tried to launch it and expose port 7797. However, I can't reach the container via the proxy:
Infinity returned an unexpected response with status 404
Infinity returned an unexpected response with status 404
Locally, it worked. I've attached a picture of my template. I've also tried to expose a tcp port as stated here: https://docs.runpod.io/pods/configuration/expose-ports but it didn't work. When I connect in the browser on the proxy, I also get a 404 not found. Can someone help?
Expose ports | RunPod Documentation
Exposing ports on your pod to the outside world: Learn how to expose ports via RunPod's Proxy or TCP Public IP, and discover the benefits and limitations of each method, including symmetrical port mapping requests.
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4 Replies
Madiator20116mo ago
most likely it might need to run on and not localhost
Sir Falk
Sir FalkOP6mo ago
I think it is, at least locally (running on i mean) when I use the container. The container logs say whats in the image. The ERRORs look fine, or at least they shouldn't stop it from working, I also get them locally. For the option -i error, I'm not so sure. Maybe this helps.
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Madiator20116mo ago
So your image uses an entrypoint that requires additional arguments; otherwise, it will boot loop.
nerdylive6mo ago
Yeah try adding the arguments

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