9 Replies
How to fix pls
Send a screenshot of the error

Windows key + R
Type 'services.msc'
Locate to the 'vgc' service
Set the startup type to 'Automatic'
Restart computer
You can also try this: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360048522893-Your-Firewall-VS-VALORANT
And run the game as admin
still doesnt work
but mine lets me play balorant for 1-10 mins before giving me a VAN error
Windows key + R
Type 'eventwvr'
On the left panel expand 'Windows Logs' > Application.
Sort the logs by date and find the error log related to the game and check what the description says
This will help troubleshooting the error
i cant do that cause i dont have the section eventwvr
iam in
no valorant stuff there
Failed to update custom custom word list Excluded words: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.. Spell checking will remain available, but this custom word list will not be updated.
max this
i see