Paypal Purchasing's taking too long are there any other places where you can buy VP with paypal?
its been 20 minutes this has been on going

17 Replies
any fixes?
I got an email yesterday and thought i'd share it with you

I still haven't recieved any response from paypal
as of now
Which region is your account from?
I'm getting the same thing
#can’t buy vp solution
Valorant/pp need to fix it. I'm trying to give the game money but it's not allowing me 💀
Bruh let me buy you the gift card then
My friend just used one of his gift cards and it didn't work :val_KekwSob:
Did he buy a EU one???
He got one from here
Like from south Africa
Luss that man
If it's this complicated I can't be bothered
Riot must fix their game